Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/111

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 95 cover, on which are writing materials, a candlestick, a book, and a roll of manuscript. To the left are a red arm-chair and a green curtain. A picture hangs on the back wall. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 25 inches by i8| inches. In the collection of D. P. Sellar, London. In the collection of M. de la Bassetiere, Paris. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1902, No. 47. In the collection of C. von Hollitscher, Berlin. 292. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Three-quarter length, standing beside a table with a red cover, on which are a book and a black hat. In black with a flat collar. Signed with the monogram; panel, 15 inches by 12 inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1 890, No. 290. In the collection of Baron de Beurnonville, Paris. In the collection of Otto Wesendonck, Berlin. In the Provincial Museum, Bonn ; lent by the Wesendonck family, No. 281. 293. PORTRAIT OF A STOUT OLD MAN. Three-quarter length. He is turned three-quarters right, and looks with a penetrating glance at the spectator. He wears a dark grey coat lined with yellow. He has a brown peruke, a moustache, and an imperial. His right hand rests on his hip and is not shown ; the left hand is in front of his body. An unsympathetic face, but well painted. Panel, 15 inches by 12 inches. In the collection of Fran9ois Tronchin (1709-1789), Geneva. In the Tronchin collection, Bessinge, near Geneva. 294. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. He stands with his right hand on his breast and his left hand, which holds the gloves, hanging down. His hat lies on a table with a red cover to the right. In very bad condition. In the Bourges Museum. 295. HEAD OF A MAN. Probably a fragment of a larger picture. Oval. In the collection of E. Halot, Brussels. 296. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Full length. He stands beside a table with a reddish-yellow cover of shot plush. He leans his left hand on a chair and looks straight before him. He wears a tall hat and a black costume with a flat white collar. To the right is a brown silk curtain. [Pendant to 379.] Canvas, 26J inches by 20 inches. In the collection of Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer. In the De Weerth collection, Paris.