Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/137

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 121 Exhibited at Leipzig, 1889, No. 240. In the collection of Prince Zampicri, Bologna. Sale, Amedee Gautray, Paris, February 23, 1883 (1410 francs) see Eudel, 1884, p. 143. In the collection of the late Alfred Thieme, Leipzig. 390. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL. Half-length. She is at a table covered with a Turkey carpet. Canvas, 8| inches by y| inches. In the collection of Alfred Beit, London. In the collection of Otto Beit, London. 391. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. Sm. 68. Full length, standing. She wears a black silk dress and a white satin petticoat embroidered with gold. A point lace kerchief covers her neck and shoulders, and is fastened in front with a diamond brooch. Her fine oval face is seen nearly in a front view. Her hair is in ringlets and adorned with a diamond and a rosette of red ribbon. Her right hand holds a fan. With her left hand she lifts her skirt. She seems to have just risen from her toilet-table, which stands before her. Behind her is a red velvet chair. An excellent picture. [Pendant to 308.] Canvas, 28 inches by 23 inches. In the collection of the Marquess of Bute, Luton, 1833 (Sm.) ; mentioned in 1854 by Waagen (iii. 478). In the collection of the Marquess of Bute, London, Richter's 1884 catalogue, No. 172. 392. PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN. Oval copper ; a small picture. In the collection of Lord Lansdowne, London. 393. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. Standing. She is turned three-quarters left and looks at the spectator. Her hair is combed back and covered with a small cap. She wears a black satin skirt with a wide edging, and over it a black robe with white cuffs and a white collar turned down and fastened with a brooch. She wears ear-rings. Her hands are folded ; in the right hand she holds a fan ; on the left hand is a ring. [Pendant to 311.] Canvas, 24^ inches by 20 inches. In the Winkler collection, Leipzig. In the collection of Freiherr Speck von Sternburg, Liitzschena, 1889 catalogue, No. 115 ; in the catalogue as early as 1839. 394. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. Standing. She is turned a little to the left, and looks at the spectator. Her hair is parted and elaborately dressed. She wears a necklace. She wears a white under- skirt with gold embroidery, a broad lace collar round her shoulders, and short sleeves with black bows. Over this she wears a black robe, which she holds in front with both hands. In her right hand is a closed fan. To the left is a table with a cloth, on which is a book. [Identical with the Van der Haar picture ; .