Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/155

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 457. Portrait of a Gentleman and a Lady. On the left, a middle-aged man sits, turned to the right, at a writing-table. He has a paper in his left hand and a pen in his right, and looks thoughtfully before him. On the right, behind the table, is a comely young woman, turned to the left and holding a fan in her right hand. She is in black ; her dress is raised to show her satin petticoat. To the right is a large bed. On the wall is a map. Signed above a door with the monogram. Mentioned by Granberg. In the sketch-book of Gesina ter Borch is a copy with a few variations, dated 1669. In the Scharp collection, Stockholm. 458. A Family Group of Five Persons. Canvas, 30^ inches by 34^ inches. Exhibited at Stockholm, 1904. In the Schlegel collection, Stockholm. 459. Portrait of a Gentleman and a Lady. The persons are on a terrace. The man stands on the left, offering an orange from a dish on a table to the lady who stands in the centre. Both look at the spectator. To the right is a footstool with a cushion and a little dog. Lofty pillars. In the background is a hilly river landscape. The attribution to Ter Borch is not quite assured. The painting reminds one more or less of similar pictures by B. Graat. Canvas. In the collection of Count Czernin von Chudenitz, Vienna, No. 283. 459*. Portrait of a Lady and a Gentleman. Given by Barent van Lijn, The Hague, to the notary Dispontijn for a debt, April 1 8, 1686 noted by Dr. A. Bredius. 459^. A Company of Five Persons. Sale. Amsterdam, August 9, 1739 (Hoet, i. 596), No. 7 (141 florins). 460. Portrait of a Gentleman and a Lady. The man sits at a table with a velvet cover, on which are a book and writing materials. The lady stands near, wearing a black silk dress and a white satin skirt. At her feet lies a dog. Vigorous in style. Canvas, 34 inches by 38 inches. Sales. Leyden, June i, 1765, No. 7 according to Terw., No. 13 (52 florins 10, Reyers ; or 70 florins, according to Terw.). J. M. Quinkhard, Amsterdam, March 15, 1773, No. 3. 460*. A Room with a Gentleman, a Lady, and a Child. Sale. Haarlem, September 8, 1778, No. 60. 460^. Portrait of a Dutch Family. Three figures. A capital picture. Sale. Lady Holderness, London, March 6, 1802, No. 52 (325:105., Woodburn) see Buchanan, i. 313, 315. 460^. Portrait of Two Children with a Dog.