Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/157

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 141 A copy, with the monogram on canvas, 20 inches by 22 inches was in the sale : C. Groeninx van Soelen and others, Rotterdam, June 25, 1800, No. 82 (72 florins, Van Santen). Sale. S. van Huls, The Hague, September 3, 1737 (Hoet, i. 486), No. 87 (140 florins, W. Lormier). In the collection of W. Lormier, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 442) ; in his store-room catalogue of December 1754, No. 298 ; sold to Prince von Galensin (? Galitzin), November 10, 1756 (for 250 florins). In the e collection of P. von DelarofF, St. Petersburg; exhibited on loan since 1908 at the Royal Gallery, The Hague. 464. A STABLE. Sm. 21. The interior of a stable. A dappled grey horse is feeding at a manger by the left-hand wall. Behind the horse is a groom ; there are red tones in his cap and yellow tones in his sleeves, while the rest is a neutral grey. On the right a woman comes in at the door and speaks to the groom who is rubbing the horse down. The woman is in grey, with touches of red on her skirt. In the immediate foreground is a stout post, from which hangs a grey horse-cloth. To the right are a pail and a broom ; to the left is a dung-fork. The two figures are similar in type to the figures in 19 (Berlin). Like the horse and the costumes, they are rendered in the master's best manner. Good light and shade. Signed indistinctly on the left with the monogram; panel, 17 inches by 19^ inches. Engraved in the Poullain Gallery. A copy measuring 19 inches by 25^- inches was in the Sales. Leyden, June i, 1765, No. 44 Terw., No. 12 (41 florins, Van der Marck). J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 327 (55 florins, Fouquet). Sale. Poullain, Paris, 1780 (2400 francs, Langlier) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 9. In the collection of Count Wachtmeister, Wanas, Sweden, No. 69. 4640. A Good Picture, A capital work of the master. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1687 (Hoet, i. 6), No. 7 (196 florins). 464^. A Fine Picture. Sale. Ben Johan Furly, Rotterdam, March 31, 1739, No. 5 (98 florins, W. Lormier of The Hague). 464^. A Fine Picture. 12 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 1 1, 1756 (Terw. 141), No. 85 (7 florins). 464^. A Picture. Sale. Dirk Kindt and others, The Hague, September 27, 1762, No. 24 of the original catalogue but No. 10, according to Terw. 283. 464^. A Picture. Sale. The Hague, March 14, 1768 (14 florins). 4647: A Richly Furnished Interior. . The Hague, July 8, 1820, No. 35.