Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/168

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152 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. inventory of her estate, 1708, No. 25 (valued at 50 florins, and assigned to Henriette Agnes von Anhalt). In the Schloss, Dessau, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 187). ba. Samson and Delilah. 15 inches by 12 inches. Sale. London, March 2, 1903, No. 106. 7. BATHSHEBA RECEIVING DAVID'S LETTER. Sm. 52. Bathsheba, loosely clad, sits beside the stone bath. Behind her to the left an old maidservant gives her a letter with the right hand and lays the left hand on her shoulder. To the right, behind Bathsheba and at the foot of a statue of a woman, stands a page holding a jewel-casket. In the extreme left background King David looks down from a terrace. In the right foreground is a table on which are Bathsheba's garments. On the edge of the bath are a bottle and a tulip in a pot. A " very exquisite picture " (Sm.). Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1667 ; panel, 17 inches by 14^ inches. Lithographed by J. Wolffle. In the Electoral Gallery, Munich. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 1400. 7*7. Bathsheba receiving King David's Letter from an Old Woman. A masterpiece. Mentioned in an inventory taken on August 25, 1712, by the notary Hoppesteyn van Leeuwen at Delft noted by A. Bredius. jb. Bathsheba holding a Letter. 9 inches by 7 inches. Salt. Baron Schonborn, Amsterdam, April 16, 1738 (Hoet, i. 509), No. 36 (l 2 florins). jc. Bathsheba in the Bath. David in the background. Canvas, 28 inches by 22| inches. In the Weyer collection, Cologne, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 187). 8. Susanna in the Bath. The two elders spy on her. Panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. In the collection of Prince zu Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Lowenberg, 1858 (Parthey, ii. 187). 9. Zerubbabel showing Cyrus a Plan of Jerusalem. A masterpiece ; very expressive. With a portrait of the painter. 13 j inches by I2| inches. Netscher is said to have given the picture to a Jewish family at Bordeaux, as a token of gratitude for their hospitality. In the collection of M. Desfriches, who sold it in 1760 (for 18,000 francs). Sale. Auguste Miron, Paris, 1823 (see Ch. Blanc, ii. 358). 10. The Virgin Mary, with the Child in her Lap. Sale. Amsterdam, May 14, 1749, No. 54 (10 florins).