Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/179

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xvm CASPAR NETSCHER 163 view is closed in by a red curtain, caught up and draped on a column. Near it, to the left, is a statue of Venus. [Pendant to 58^.] Signed in full ; panel, 12^ inches by io| inches. Sales. Caspar van Citters, Rotterdam, July i, 1811, No. no. P. Mersch, Berlin, March i, 1905, No. 73 (490 mark). 44. A Woman Artist. Sm. 30. A comely young woman rests her left arm on the pedestal supporting an antique group of statuary, repre- senting the rape of a Sabine woman by a Roman. Her right hand is on her left arm ; her left hand grasps a roll of paper. On the pedestal is a palette with paints and brushes. The woman has curly chestnut-brown hair, adorned with pearls and a laurel wreath. She wears a cambric gown, cut low at the neck, with little pleats and wide sleeves, and a brown bodice held up under the arms with a jewelled belt ; her sleeves are similarly adorned. On her right shoulder is a pink silk shawl, embroidered with gold, half covering the arm. In the background are a curtain and a view of hills and sky. A fine picture. Signed in full on the palette, and dated 1676; copper, 12 inches by 9! inches. Sales. Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (550 francs). G. Th. A. M. Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt, of The Hague, Paris, May 8, 1865, No. 22 (2280 francs, Lamme). 45. A WOMAN SPINNING. Full length, turned to the right. An elderly woman, simply dressed, sits at a spinning-wheel, turning her head in a three-quarter view towards the spectator. Her right arm hangs down, as she turns the wheel with her right hand ; her left hand is raised up to grasp the distaff". She wears a black gown with a blue apron and a white kerchief and cap. In the background is a light wall. On the extreme left, at the woman's back, is a table, with a distaff lying on it. [Pendant to 46.] Signed in full, but indistinctly ; panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A. 381. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1352. 46. A WOMAN SEWING. Full length, turned to the left. A woman sits, sewing white material which lies on a cushion in her lap. She wears a red gown and a brown jacket, with a white cap and a dark apron. On her left temple is a black plaster. In the left foreground, at her feet, is a footwarmer. Beside her, in the right foreground, is a basket of washing, with scissors lying on the top. At the back is a dark wall. [Pendant to 45.] Traces of a signature to the left at foot ; panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A. 375. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1353. 47. LADY SEATED AT A SPINNING-WHEEL. Sm. 22. Three-quarter length. She sits in profile to the left, bending slightly forward, with her head turned in a three-quarter view towards the spectator. She raises her left hand to her lips ; her right hand rests on