Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/195

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xvni CASPAR NETSCHER 179 Signed in full, and dated 1665 ; panel, 17 inches by 13^ inches. A replica by the painter is in the collection of the Duke of Wellington (90). Another replica was in the sale : Charles Meigh, London, June 20, 1850 (.85, Nieuwenhuys). Mentioned at Dresden for the first time in 1765 ; according to Hilbner, it was bought by F. Lemmers at Antwerp as a Mieris. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1348 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm., who valued it at .262 : ios.). 90. A LADY AT HER TOILET. See Sm. 67. A replica of 89 (Dresden) by the painter. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 17 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Lapeyriere, Paris, April 14, 1817, No. 36 (910 francs, Duke of Wellington). In the collection of the Duke of Wellington, Apsley House, London, 1901 catalogue, No. 87. 91. LADY WITH MAID. A young lady is having her bodice buttoned at the back by her maid. A page holds out to the lady a metal basin and ewer. Panel, loj inches by 8 inches. In the collection of Sir Frederick Cook, Bart., Richmond, No. 140. 91*7. A Woman at her Toilet. She sits in a recess at her toilet- table. An old woman is dressing her hair. With accessories. Excel- lently painted. 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Baron Schdnborn, Amsterdam, April 1 6, 1738 (Hoet, i. 509), No. 35 but No. 36 of the original catalogue (226 florins). 9 1 b. A Young Lady with a Maid-Servant combing her Hair. A man-servant brings water. Many accessories. Very carefully painted. 23! inches by 15 inches. Sale. M. van Hoeken and Th. Hartsoeker, The Hague, May I, 1742 (Hoet, ii. 54), No. 3 (205 florins, Boetens ; bought in). 91*-. A Young Lady having her Hair dressed. 6 inches by 14^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 25, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 124), No. 9 (91 florins). 91^. Interior with an Elegant Lady. A negro brings her jewels. Very carefully painted. 2o| inches by 17^ inches. Sa/f.N. Albrechts and others, Amsterdam, May n, 1772, No. no (17 florins 10). 91*. An Elegant Lady at her Toilet. She wears a white silk gown and a blue jacket, and sits at a table with a cover, adorning herself. At the side a laughing Cupid holds a mirror. Carefully painted.