Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/201

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xviu CASPAR NETSCHER 185 107. A SHEPHERD AND A SHEPHERDESS. Sm. Suppl. i. Full length. In a park landscape a shepherd with a cloth round his loins sits on a stone bench to the left, in profile to the right. He holds a rustic pipe in both hands. Beside him to the right kneels a shepherdess in a reddish gown cut low at the neck and a blue cloak. She leans her right elbow on a stone pedestal and looks at the shepherd. At the back, amid thick foliage, is a marble group of Nessus and Deianeira. In the right distance is a wooded landscape with sheep by a stream. In front, at the man's feet, lies a shepherd's staff. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1683 ; canvas, 21 inches by inches. There were apparently two replicas 1. Sales. Quiryn van Biesum, Amsterdam, October 18, 1719 (Hoet, i. 234), No. 143 (43 florins). N. NieuhofF, Amsterdam, April 14, 1777, No. 149 (71 florins, Fouquet). 2. Sales. Amsterdam, October 21, 1739 (Hoet, i. 611), No. 43 but No. 42 of the original catalogue (no florins). Amsterdam, June 10, 1789, No. 17 (35 florins, Fouquet). Probably the picture in the sale : Sonne and others, Amsterdam, July 5, 1759, No. 53 (5 florins 10) was identical with one of these replicas. From Salzdahlum. In the collection of the Duke of Brunswick, 1842 (Sm.). In the Brunswick Gallery, 1900 catalogue, No. 318. 108. A SHEPHERD AND A SHEPHERDESS AT A FOUNTAIN. Sm. 69, and Suppl. 21. The shepherd with an ivy wreath sits holding a girl on his knee, beside a fountain adorned with a group of Cupids. Behind them is a goat and a kid. " An admirable work of art" (Sm.). Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1681 ; canvas, i inches by 1 8 inches. Engraved by J. Verkolje. In the collection of Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (who died in 1716), Diisseldorf see Van Gool, ii. 561. In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1911 catalogue, No. 1402 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm., who valued it at ^210). 109. A Shepherdess with her Maid. She is dressed in silk. Flowers and sheep. Unusually fine. 22| inches by 18 inches. Sale. A. van Kinschot, Rotterdam, September 20, 1756 (Terw. 160), No. 12 but No. 14 of the original catalogue (260 florins, Boscelo) sold as the work of Constant! jn Netscher. no. A Shepherd adorning a Shepherdess in White Silk with a Necklace. Behind the shepherd is a statue of a satyr. Farther back is a fine landscape. Carefully painted. Canvas, 21^ inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 26, 1775, No. 227 (23 florins 10, Van der Schley).