Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/218

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202 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. Canvas, 22 inches by 18 inches. Sale. W. J. Schcllink and others, Rotterdam, April 24, 1834, No. 48 (24 florins, Jonckers). 153^. A Children's Bacchanalian Feast. Canvas. In the Hoser collection, Prague, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 189). 153/1. Children in a Park. A very fine picture. Sale. Madame Nelson Cottreau, Paris, January 19, 1881 (5300 francs); see Paul Eudel, V Hotel Drouot en 1881, pp. 3, 9. 154. THREE CHILDREN AT A WINDOW ADORNING A CUPID WITH A ROSE-GARLAND. On the right stands a girl, facing left but turning her head to the spectator ; she holds the end of the garland. To the left a boy, seen almost in full face, fastens the garland on the figure of Cupid, which stands on a Persian carpet thrown upon the window-sill between the boy and another girl on the left. This girl points with her right hand at the figure. Above to the left is a curtain. In the right distance is a view of a landscape. According to an old but uncertain tradition, the children were of the Bicker van Zwieten family (see Moes, Iconographia Batava^ No. 658). Signed in full, and dated 1676 ; canvas, 19! inches by 16 inches. Copies are 1. In the Wesendonck collection, in the Provincial Museum, Bonn. 2. In the collection of F. W. Brederlo, Riga, 1906 catalogue, No. 128 (old No. 130). Pictures, agreeing in subject, material, and size with the above, occurred in the sales 1. Amsterdam, May 1 1, 1756 (Terw. 138), No. 22 (195 florins). 2. Pieter Oets and others, Amsterdam, January 31, 1791, No. 8 (13 florins 10, Brugman). 3. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 89 (i 8 florins, Spruyt). 4. Malines, September 5, 1825, No. 29 (130 florins, Van der Schrieck). 5. J. F. van Houtum and others, Amsterdam, November 18, 1874, No. 21. Of these, I and 2 may have been identical with the original or with one of the copies ; 3 and 4 were probably identical with the copies but not with the original, which was in a German collection long before 1810. Engraved by C. G. Geyser as " Children of Netscher " ; the figure of the girl to the right was engraved by J. F. Bause. Lithographed by H. Frank. In the Sporken collection, Hanover. In the Richter collection, Leipzig; from which it was bought about 1810 by Speck von Sternburg. In the collection of Freiherr Speck von Sternburg, Ltitzschena, 1889 cata- logue, No. 235. 1540. Two Children at Play, with Flowers. Canvas, 17 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Willem Adriaan Tare, The Hague, October i, 1777, No. 60 (24 florins). 155. Two Children with Flowers in a Garden. A comely