Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/22

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GERARD TER BORCH SECT. BuXehanTpalace and in the KOnigswarter sale, come very near to those of Ter Borch. One must not omit to mention that Rembrandt's pupil, GERBRAND VAN DEN EEOCHOUT (1621-1674), painted about 1655 some genre-pieces Auard-rooms and so forth-which are often m.staken for works by Ter Bofch, and which are only a little inferior to them in <U^"*. work and colouring (see the pictures at Stafford House, The Hermitage, Copenhagen, Petworth, and elsewhere). Our painter's youthful works are closely related to those of the Duck- Codde-Duyster group, as is shown by the fact that even in recent years pictures of guard-rooms by these artists have been assigned to 1 er tiorcn (see notes to 37^ and 40). TRANSLATOR'S NOTE In the references added to the entries in the Catalogue "Sm." = Smith, "Catalogue Raisonne," vol. iv. (1833). "Sm. Suppl." = Smith, "Catalogue Raisonne," Supplement (1842). In the entries " Hoct " = " Catalogus of Naamlyst van Schilderyen, meet derzelven pryzen Zedert cen langen reeks van Jaaren zoo in Holland als op andere Plaatzen in het openbaar verkogt. Benevens een Verzame- ling van Lysten van Verscheyden nog in Wesen zynde Cabinetten uytgegeven door Gerard Hoet." Two volumes. [Covering sales from 1676 to 1752.] (The Hague, 1752.) "Terw." = Thc continuation of Hoet's work in a third volume, covering sales from 1752 to 1768, and describing the Royal collection at The Hague, by Pieter Terwcsten. (The Hague, 1770.) "Parthey" = "Deutscher Bildersaal. Verzeichnis der in Deutschland vorhandenen Olbilder verstorbener Maler aller Schulen. In alpha- betischer Folge zusammengestellt von Gustav Parthey." (Berlin, 1863-64.)