Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/229

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xvni CASPAR NETSCHER 213 189. Frangois de la Chaise (1624-1709), confessor of Louis XIV. Three-quarter length, seated. Signed in full ; canvas, 17^ inches by 15 inches. In the collection of C. von Schinkel, Tido ; see O. Granberg, Inventaire general des Tresors d' Art en Suede, 1911, No. 311. 190. A GENTLEMAN OF THE VAN CITTERS FAMILY (?). Three-quarter length. Signed in full to the left at foot, and dated 1678 ; canvas, 19^ inches by 15^ inches. A replica of 1679 is in the National Gallery, London (176), where the sitter is doubtfully identified as " George, first Earl of Berkeley " ; another replica is at Stuttgart (see 176). In the collection of A. J. W. Farncombe Sanders, The Hague ; bequeathed in 1887 to the Rijksmuseum. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 1729. 191. A LADY OF THE VAN CITTERS FAMILY (?). Three-quarter length. Signed in full, and dated 1674; canvas, 19! inches by 15^ inches. A replica with different features is at Stuttgart (393). In the collection of A. J. W. Farncombe Sanders, The Hague ; bequeathed in 1887 to the Rijksmuseum. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 1730. 192. BARBARA VILLIERS, DUCHESS OF CLEVE- LAND (1640-1709). Three-quarter length j full face. With her right hand she holds in front of her one end of a wrap while she adjusts it on her left shoulder with her left hand. She wears a white silk dress, cut low at the neck, with pearls at her throat and in her ears. She has a broad curly fringe on her forehead with numerous ringlets hanging down symmetrically. At the back are figures of Minerva and Cupid. It is highly improbable that the Duchess of Cleveland was ever painted by Netscher. Signed, and dated 1669 ; panel, n| inches by 9 inches. In the Tronchin collection, Bessinge, near Geneva. 193. BARBARA VILLIERS, DUCHESS OF CLEVE- LAND. A young lady in a greyish-blue dress cut low at the neck. She holds a hawk on her left wrist, and stretches out her right hand as if pointing to something. At her feet is a dog. Dark green background. The identification of the sitter was said in the sale - catalogue to be uncertain. Canvas, 2o| inches by 17 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 30, 1909, No. 58 (575 florins). 194. Menno Baron van Coehoorn (1641-1704), General of Artillery. See Moes, Iconographia atava, No. 1610, I (as by Constantijn Netscher). A copy (?) on canvas, 37^ inches by 31 inches is in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 1735.