Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/239

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xvni CASPAR NETSCHER 223 235. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722). In armour. [Pendant to 236.] 19 inches by 16 inches. Sale. E. J. Stanley and others, London, January 27, 1908, No. 143. 236. Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (1660-1744). Seated. In a grey and white dress. [Pendant to 235.] 19 inches by 16 inches. Sale. E. J. Stanley and others, London, January 27, 1908, No. 143. Mary Stuart, wife of William III., and Queen of England. [See 285^-298^.] Helena Catharina Mogge, born De Witte. [See 308.] 237. Jean Baptiste Moliere (1622-1673), the French dramatist. Three-quarter length ; almost full face. The dramatist appears with a theatrical gesture from behind a red curtain drawn back to the left. He wears a long black wig, and a coat open in front with a blue cloak. He rests his left hand on a sword and mask lying on a table with a coloured cover in front of him. At the back is a statue of Thalia. An admirable picture. Signed in full ; canvas, i8| inches by 15 inches. Probably identical with the " Portrait of Racine " in the sale : Bernal, London, 1855 (22, Leonards). Sale. Freiherr von der Ropp, Cologne, November II, 1890, No. 66 (280 mark, Van den Burgh). 238. James Scott, Duke of Monmouth (1649-1685), son of Charles II. of England and Lucy Walters. [Full length ; in profile to the left.] He is in a red uniform, and is mounted on a horse which rears up to the left. In the left middle distance is a cavalry skirmish beneath the walls of a castle. To the right is a horseman in a stream, with a burning village behind him. Dark cloudy sky. The attribution is uncertain. 25 inches by 32 inches. [Exhibited at the Stuart Exhibition at the New Gallery, London, 1889, No. 130, as the work of Netscher and Wyck. Translator.] Engraved by W. Baillie. In the collection of W. Baillie, 1774. In the collection of the Marquess of Bute, London, 1884 catalogue, No. 123. 239. MADAME DE MONTESPAN (1641-1707), mistress of Louis XIV. She sits, turned to the right, at a table on which lies an open book beside a globe. She wears a white satin gown with a golden yellow wrap. She holds a lily in her left hand and two roses in her right. To the left is a garden. See note to 22 1. Signed in full, and dated 1670; copper, 20 inches by 15 inches. Probably acquired in 1 742 by De Brais from Paris. In Guarienti's inventory, before 1753, No. 1700. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1350.