Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/24

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8 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. B. Unknown persons, 284-45 3</. 1. Men, 284-370. 2. Women, 371-453- 3. Children, 453*"453^ 4. Sex not stated, 453^453^- C. Larger groups, and groups of unknown persons, 454-462. Cf. Nos. 3, 6. IV. ANIMAL-PIECES, 463-464. V. PICTURES IMPERFECTLY DESCRIBED OR UNDESCRIBED, CATALOGUE RAISONNE 1. Diana and Callisto. Sale. Mallinus brothers, Louvain, September 9, 1824, No. 238. 2. DEMOCRITUS. Half-length. The philosopher is represented as a bare-headed man with long fair curls, a moustache and an imperial. He wears a coat open over a shirt which is also open in front. He is turned to the right, but his smiling face is bent round towards the spectator. He points with his left hand to the right. Panel, io inches by 8i inches. A "Laughing Man" of exactly the same size was in the Schleissheim Gallery, 1859 (Parthey, ii. 659), but is not now in the possession of the Bavarian Government. Sale. Jacques de Roore, The Hague, September 4, 1747 (Hoet, ii. 107), No. 91 (31 florins, Frank). In the collection of Fran9ois Tronchin (1709-1789), Geneva. In the Tronchin collection, Bessinge, near Geneva. 1 3. The Council of Trent (or, more probably, A Trial for High Treason). The author, having seen the picture at the Lesser sale shortly before this sheet was printed off, is convinced that it is neither by Ter Borch nor a work of the Dutch school. 46 inches by 7 1 inches. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 524. Sale. London, 1847 (231, Cheshire). In the collection of Abraham Darby, 1857. In the collection of Thomas Kibble, 1886. Sales. J. G. Menzies and others, London, February 25, 1905, No. 79. L. Lesser, London, February 10, 1912, No. 106. 4. The Conspiracy of Egmont and Hoorn. Five half-length figures, life size. Egmont and Hoorn are at a table ; one is in profile, the other in full face. 36 inches by 44^ inches. Sale. Peilhon, Paris, March 16, 1763 (see Ch. Blanc, i. 114).