Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/243

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xvni CASPAR NETSCHER 227 Canvas, 25! inches by 21 inches. Sale. Baron de Vinck d'Orp, Brussels, May 28, 1827, No. 7. 251*7. Princess Pallavicini, daughter of Princess Rossani, and wife of Prince Pallavicini de Verafria. In a three-quarter view. She has long brown curls, with a spray of winter green. She wears a greyish- brown dress cut low at the necic and trimmed with lace. In front of her is a bunch of flowers, of winter green and volubilis. Her sleeves are caught up and fastened with a jewel. Canvas, 29 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Weber de Treuenfels, Paris, April 8, 1867, No. 64 as a Constantijn Netscher. It may have been identical with 251. Anna Constantia Paeuw, born Schaep. [See 264.] Brigitta Ploos van Amstel, born Lestevenon. [See 224.] Catharina Raye, wife of C. Backer. [See 172.] "' 252. Pieter Reael (1650-1701), lord of Vreeland, and councillor of Amsterdam. [Pendant to 253.] In the collection of his widow M. E. Huydecoper van Maersseveen (valued May 3, 1707, with the pendant, at 400 florins) noted by A. Bredius. 253. Maria Eleonora Huydecoper van Maersseveen (1658- 1706), wife of P. Reael. [Pendant to 252.] In the collection of the sitter (valued May 3, 1707, with the pendant, at 4.00 florins) noted by A. Bredius. 254. Johan Baron van Reede (1593-1682), lord of Renswoude. In profile, well painted. Dated 1672 ; oval copper or silver, 2^ inches by 2 inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 6271, 2. Sales. Antony Sijdervelt, Amsterdam, April 23, 1766 (Terw. 525), No. 86 (21 florins, Van der Marck). J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 235 (9 florins, Delfos). Amsterdam, April I, 1833, No. 133 (l florin, De Vries). P. J. le Jolle and others, Amsterdam, October 28, 1839 (26 florins, De Vries). Jer. de Vries, Amsterdam, November 15, 1853, No. 86 (5 florins 25, Swaap). Brigitta Rendorp, born Hulft. [See 207.] 255. Pieter Rendorp (1648-1699), brewer, of Amsterdam. A young man in brown, seated, turned to the right. His right arm rests on a pedestal with a relief. His left arm is on his hip. To the right is a landscape with hills and trees. Blue sky with clouds. Described from a copy canvas on panel, 19 inches by 15^ inches in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 1736. The 1911 catalogue, in contrast to earlier issues, no longer states that it is a copy. The original is lost.