Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/247

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xvm CASPAR NETSCHER 231 269. Sophie Amalie of Brunswick (1643-1685), wife of Frederick III., King of Denmark. Copper, 14 inches by 10 inches. In the Georgengarten, Hanover, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 190). 270. LADY PHILIPPINA STANTON. Full length ; stand- ing, with the head turned slightly to the left. She wears a white satin dress and over it a blue drapery which she holds loosely in her right hand, which hangs down, while she grasps it to her bosom with her left hand. There are pearls in her ears and at her throat. Her long full curls frame her face. In the background to the left is some architecture with a pillar on a pedestal sculptured with a mythological relief. On the extreme left is an orange-brown curtain. In the background to the right is a balustrade with a view of a landscape in evening light. Signed in full, and dated 1668 ; canvas, 35 inches by 27 J inches. In the Van Weede-Stichting collection, Utrecht ; exhibited on loan since 1897 in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 1725. 271. A Girl of the Von Stein-Callenfels Family. A small three- quarter length. She is seen in full face, and leans her right forearm on a pedestal. She wears a vermilion dress. To the left is a drapery. At the back is a dark view of a park. The attribution is uncertain. Panel, n^ inches by 14 inches. In the Darmstadt Museum, 1885 catalogue, No. 419 ; it has been there at least since 1820. 272. ABIGAIL STEPHENS (1634-1706), second wife of Sir Edward Harley, Bart. She stands, seen in full face, behind a stone balus- trade sculptured in relief with childish figures. She leans with her out- stretched left hand and her right elbow on the balustrade, over which is thrown a Persian carpet. In her right hand she holds a large drapery which falls over her left shoulder and right arm. There are pearls in her hair and at her throat. On the balustrade to the right is a basket of flowers. To the left, at the lady's side, hangs a dark curtain. In the background to the right is a marble figure on a pedestal. Near it is a peacock. Signed in full, and dated 1662 ; canvas, 2i| inches by 18 inches. In the Esterhazy collection, Vienna. In the Budapest Museum, 1906 catalogue, No. 471 (old No. 244). Stuart. See Anne (169) ; Gloucester (203) ; Mary (285^-298^) j York (311). 273. Don Antonio Lopes Suasso (died 1685), Baron d'Avernes Le Gras. 50 inches by 40 inches. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1867, No. 144. In the collection of A. P. Lopes Suasso, 1867. Diana Temple. See Lady Gifford (202).