Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/26

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10 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. position of the groups, inserted in the centre a bier in place of the table and added in the left foreground a dog and by the left side-wall an altar with a picture of Christ. This work is called "The Mourning at the Bier of the Spanish Envoy Joseph dc Bergaigne, Archbishop of Cambrai, who died ( 24, 1647." It bears a forged signature in full and is on canvas, 20$ inches by 1 8 inches. It was in the Sale. Due de Morny, Paris, May 31, 1865, No. 81. In the collection of W. Huffer, Rome. Exhibited at Dusseldorf, 1904, No. 391. A study for ten portraits in this group was exhibited at Brussels, 1873, No. "Mentioned by Houbraken, Descamps, D'Argenville, and others. Engraved by J . Suydcrhoef. In the possession of Ter Borch till his death in 1681. In the collection of B. H. ter Borch, Treasurer, Deventer, in 1719^ Houbraken, iii. 40. Sales. -Van Leyden, Paris, September 10, 1804, No. 19 (16,000 francs, La Roche) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 222. Prince de Talleyrand, Paris, July 7, 1817, No. 38; the collection was bought as a whole by the London dealer Buchanan see Buchanan, ii. 308. Duchesse de Berry, Paris, April 4, 1837, No. I (45,500 francs, Demi- doff). Prince Demidoff of San Donate, Paris, April 18, 1868, No. 1 8 (182,000 francs, Lord Hertford). In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford, London. In the collection of Sir Richard Wallace, London ; who presented it in 1871 to the National Gallery. In the National Gallery, London ; 1911 catalogue, No. 896. 7. An Allegory upon William III. of Orange. William III. of Orange is surrounded by proud and heroic warriors and statesmen, among whom may be recognised De Ruyter, Tromp, and others. Tribute is offered to him by a female figure, the " Dordrecht Maid," who, attended by Naiads, rises from a finely painted lake. On the right, nearer the front, an evil genius is driven away by an angel over the head of the prince. Above to the left is the figure of Fame. Canvas, 44 inches by 65^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 30, 1823, No. 252 (85 florins, Gruyter). 8. THE CONSULTATION. A bearded physician, wearing a long bluish-grey coat and a ruff, sits to the left in front of his working table, which is covered with papers, a skull, an hour-glass, and so on. He examines a urine-glass, which he holds up to the light. To the right, behind the table, is an old woman holding an earthenware pot. In front of the table is a stool, on which lies a cloth. Beside it is a broken jug. By the hearth at the back of the room is a young man, with his back to the spectator. To the right is a half-opened door. Signed on the table-cover, and dated 1635 ; panel, 14 inches by 17* inches. Exhibited at Brussels, 1873, No. 173. Sale. B. G. Roelofs, Amsterdam, April 2, 1873, No. 25.