Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/264

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248 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. Oval canvas, 13^ inches by u inches. Sale. Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 118. 332<f. Portrait of a Gentleman in a Handsome Robe. He leans on a table with a rich cover. The room is furnished in a princely manner, with a superb vista. Not genuine, according to J. van der Marck. Canvas, 27^ inches by 24^ inches. Sales. (Probably) J. G. Cramer, Amsterdam, November 13, 1769, No. 66 (9 florins, Cok). J. M. Cok, Amsterdam, December 16, 1771, No. 148 (6 florins 5, Benvuzi). 332/. Portrait of a Gentleman. He is seated, leaning his arm on a table with a cover. His other hand is in the breast of his coat. Very finely rendered. Canvas, 21 1 inches by 17 inches. Sale. The Hague, May 25, 1772, No. 75. 332^. Portrait of a Gentleman of Rank. Three-quarter length. His right hand rests on his hat. His left hand is at his side. Very finely rendered. Canvas, 19! inches by 16 inches. Sale. P. de la Court van der Voort and others, Amsterdam, August 26 1772, No. 80 (4 florins, P. de la Court). 332/1. Portrait of a Gentleman. Very good. Oval canvas, 9 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 27, 1774, No. 121. 333. Portrait of a General in Armour and a Buff Coat. He has a white sash round his body. He stands, holding a baton. Specially well and carefully painted. Copper, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. J. L. Strantwijk, Amsterdam, May 10, 1780, No. 181 (5 florins 5, Fouquet). 333*- Portrait of a Gentleman of Rank. In a rich dress. He stands, leaning with his left hand on a chair. Loose in style. Canvas, 19 J inches by 15^ inches. Sale. P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 264 (6 florins). 333^. Portrait of a Gentleman in a Rich Dress. Three-quarter length. With many accessories. An excellent picture. [Possibly identical with 332*7. Pendant to 411.] Panel, i8 inches by 15^ inches. Sale. I. de Moni, Leyden, April 17, 1784, No. II (10 florins 5, with pendant, Braam Helsdingen). 333^ Portrait of a Comely Young Man. Half-length. With curly hair. His hand is at his breast. He wears a broad pleated cravat with a black ribbon. Very pleasing in style.