Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/288

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272 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. Engraved by Ansele?., 1776. Then in the collection of" the Due de la Valliere. 410*7. Portrait of a Lady. Canvas, 20 inches by 15! inches. Sale. W. A. Tarree, The Hague, October I, 1777, No. 49. 410^. Portrait of a Lady with a Dog. [Pendant to 455*.] Canvas, 18 inches by 16 inches. In the De Waart collection. Sale. Van Cattenburch and De Waart, The Hague, September 29, 1779, No. 257 (14 florins, with pendant, Fyt). 4 1 oc. Portrait of a Lady holding a Golden Urn. Half-length. 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. The widow Van der Nessen, Brussels, July 17, 1780, No. 5 (73 florins). 410^. Portrait of a Lady. Full length; seated. With accessories. Very finely rendered. Panel, 20 J inches by 15 inches. Sale. W. Coole, Rotterdam, August 6, 1782, No. 52. 41 oe. Portrait of a Lady in White Silk. A good picture, finely rendered. Oval panel, 4 inches by 3! inches. Sale. P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 265 (n florins 5, H. Elink). 411. Portrait of a Richly Dressed Lady. Three-quarter length. She leans her right arm on the base of a column, and holds her wrap with her left hand. In the landscape beyond is a fountain with the figures of a child and a dolphin. Very finely rendered. [Pendant to 333^. Possibly identical with 402*7.] Panel, i8| inches by i6| inches. Sales. L. de Moni, Leyden, April 13, 1772, No. 89 (40 florins, with 340, bought in). Amsterdam, July 26, 1775, No. 228 (10 florins, De Moni). I. de Moni, Leyden, April 17, 1784, No. II (10 florins 5, with pendant, Braam Helsdingen). 4iirf. Portrait of a Young Girl in White Silk. Beside her is a basket of flowers. Near her is a negro. In a park. Canvas, 18 inches by 15 inches. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 294 (30 florins, Veldhoven). 411^. Portrait of a Lady feeding a Parrot. Seated. In the picture gallery in the Royal Palace, Berlin, 1786 according to Nicolai, Beschreibung von Berlin, ii. 887, No. 65.