Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/31

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 15 right elbow on the officer's left knee, on which she lays her left hand. The officer holds in his right hand a despatch brought to him by a trumpeter in a blue costume embroidered with gold, who stands, hat in hand, with his back to the spectator. In the background to the right is a bed with blue curtains. In front of it, to the right, is a table with a cloth, on which are a bottle and other objects. To the left is a half- opened door. Signed with the monogram on the left at foot, and dated 1653 > canvas on panel, 26 J inches by 16 inches. Engraved by Audouin, Le Rouge, Reveil, and Zeelander. Lithographed by Last. A copy of the central group by Princess Wilhelmina, wife of William V., is in the library of the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar at Weimar. Sale. Petronella de la Court, Amsterdam, October 19, 1707 (Hoet, i. 106), No. 28 (92 florins). In the collection of G. van Slingelandt, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 405). In the collection of William V. of Orange, The Hague. In the Louvre, Paris, 1795-1815. In the Royal Gallery, The Hague, 1910 catalogue, No. 176. 29. THE DESPATCH. An officer with long dark hair, wearing a grey cloak and a large hat, dictates a despatch to a young soldier in a cuirass and iron cap. Both sit at a table covered with a red cloth, on which lie writing materials and pipes. A trumpeter in a blue cloak and high boots, with his cap in his hand, stands on the right, looking at the spectator. A dog lies in front before the table. To the left is a high chimney-piece. To the right is a bed with brown curtains. A very good picture. Signed with the monogram on the table j canvas, 29! inches by 20 inches. In the Schonborn collection Pommersfelden, 1788 (Meusel, ii. 76) ; in the Sch5nborn catalogue of 1857, No. 427 (Parthey, ii. 624). Sales. Schonborn-Pommersfelden, Paris, May 17, 1867, No. 117 (10,000 francs, Khalil Bey). Khalil Bey, Paris, January 16, 1868, No. 103. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 518 (19,500 francs). Amedee Gautray, Paris, February 23, 1883 (15,100 francs) see Eudel, 142. E. Secretan, Paris, July 13, 1889, No. 172 (11,500 francs, Colnaghi). In the collection of Baron Hirsch de Gereuth, Paris. In the collection of Baron de Forest, London. 30. An Officer writing a Letter. Two officers sit at a table covered with a red cloth. One officer, with a helmet on his head, is writing ; the other is apparently dictating. Beside the table stands a trumpeter in a blue uniform. On the floor lies a dog. Canvas, 29^ inches by 20 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1890, No. 75. In the collection of Arthur James, London.