Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/312

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296 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. Sale. The heirs of Caspar Netscher, A. Schouraan, and others, The Hague, July 15, 1749, No. 3 ( 2 7 florins 10). A Portrait. Three-quarter length ; with both hands. 19 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 5, 1754, No. 24. 45%. A Portrait. Copper, 4^ inches by 3^ inches. Sale. Van Eversdijck, The Hague, May 28, 1766 (Terw. 532), No. 59 but No. 65 of the original catalogue (32 florins, J. M. Cok). 458/1. Portrait of a Person in Old Dutch Dress. Very well painted. Sale. J. W. van Arp, Amsterdam, June 19, 1800, No. 127 (7 florins, Le Dantu). 459. A Portrait. It is uncertain whether two or more of the following portraits were identical : Sale. rAmsterdam, March 28, 1708 (Hoet, i. 113), No. 15 (63 florins) two pieces ; very good. In the collection of Jacob Pacts, Leyden ; mentioned in an inventory of June 22, 1709 noted by A. Bredius. Sales. M. Terwesten, The Hague, September 20, 1757, No. 259 three pieces, unfinished. J. Palthe, Leyden, March 20, 1770, No. 138 (3 florins, L. de Moni). A. Hope, The Hague, December 19, 1821, No. 23 (21 florins, Hopman) very finely rendered. Malines, September 5, 1825, No. 42 (30 florins, Keyzer) on canvas. 460. A Portrait. With a page in more subdued light. Full length. Of the master's later period, with all his peculiar elegance. In the collection of Baron Lionel de Rothschild, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 130). 461. A FAMILY GROUP. Attributed by the owner to Ter Borch. In the Kilenyi collection, Budapest. 462. A FAMILY GROUP. Sm. 55. Full-length figures in a landscape. In the right foreground sits the mother, turned to the left, with her head towards the spectator. She wears a yellow silk dress and holds a garland of flowers. Behind her to the left stands the father, wear- ing a deep red cloak ; he points with his right hand to the two children in front of him to the left. The elder child, a boy, holds by a string a lamb on the extreme left. In the background to the right is an ancient monu- ment j to the left is a spacious landscape. Catalogued as a portrait of the painter and his family ; but if the date is rightly read as 1654, C. Netscher was then only fifteen. Signed in full, and dated 1654; canvas, 17 inches by 15 inches.