Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/337

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 321 33. PETER DENYING CHRIST. He is recognised by the maid-servant of the high priest. She holds up a lighted candle to his face. A group of malicious soldiers surround the pair. Half-length figures, half life size. [Compare 36.] Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 25^ inches by 32 inches. In the Harrach Gallery, Vienna, 1897 catalogue, No. 290. 34. Peter denying Christ. Sm. 55. Sale. General Craig, London, April 18, 1812 (22 : is.). 34#. Peter denying Christ. In the collection of General A. Reno, New York ; see Oud Holland, 1892, p. 10. 35. Peter denying Christ. In a courtyard dimly lighted by a torch, soldiers warm themselves at a fire. In the foreground Peter goes away ashamed. In the background Christ is led past. On a post to the left is the cock. Panel, 2o| inches by 14 inches. Sale. Von Bernatzky, Cologne, October 10, 1905, No. 37. 36. The Apostle Peter denying the Saviour. On the left stands the maid-servant of the high priest, holding a lighted candle, and pointing to Peter, who stands before her with a gesture of denial. To left and right of Peter are soldiers, who look at him keenly. Described from a copy on tinplate, 10 inches by 13 inches in Baron Bruckenthal's Museum, Hermannstadt, 1909 catalogue, No. 1022. Possibly 33 (Harrach Gallery) is the original. 37. St. Peter's Repentance. In a rocky grotto the saint kneels in prayer at a rock table, on which are a key, a book, and an oil lamp which throws light on the tree. [Pendant to 56^.] Panel, n inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Heis and others, Cologne, October 5, 1903, No. 109. 38. CHRIST BEING MOCKED. Sm. 74. He stands with hands bound and the crown of thorns on His bare head between four soldiers. The foremost soldier to the left holds a sword and a half-burnt torch ; the foremost soldier to the right holds a rod. To the left, behind the man with the torch, a fellow puts out his tongue and points with his right hand at Christ. Three-quarter length figures ; life size. Canvas, 58 inches by 44^ inches. Engraved in the Diisseldorf Gallery. In the collection of the Elector Palatine Johann Wilhelm (who died 1716), Diisseldorf; see Van Gool, ii. 531. In the Diisseldorf Gallery. In the Augsburg Museum, 1899 catalogue, No. 578. 39. Christ being mocked; by Torchlight. Christ, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple cloak round His shoulders, is mocked by the soldiers. He holds a reed. One soldier, standing up, puts out his tongue and points at Christ. Well drawn and finely rendered. VOL. v Y