Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/34

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18 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. 35. THE GUARD-ROOM. A spacious guard-room with nine soldiers. In the extreme left foreground stand two soldiers in buff coats, with felt hats and swords at their sides ; one is seen from the back, the other in full face. Beside them lies a dog. Beyond them to the left sits a third soldier. Four others are grouped in the middle distance round a table on which is a jug. In the background are two more. [Compare 37> 40-] Dated 1638 ; 13 inches by 17 inches. In the collection of Constantino A. lonides, Brighton ; bequeathed to the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1899. In the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington ; lonides bequest, 1904 catalogue, No. 84. 36. THREE SOLDIERS IN A HANDSOME APART- MENT. Sm. 49. A soldier, wearing a cuirass, a red sash, and long boots, sits near a projecting chimney-piece, drinking from a tall glass. A trumpeter, in a blue costume embroidered with gold, blows his trumpet, while a third person stands beyond, listening. A dark greyhound stands beside the seated man with its head upon his knee. "An admirable work of art " (Sm.). Panel, 25 inches by 19 inches. Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, 1891-98, No. 55. In the collection of Jan Bisschop, Rotterdam ; bought as a whole in 1771, after his death, by Adriacn and Jan Hope of Amsterdam. In the collection of Henry Philip Hope, 1830 (Sm.). In the collection of Henry Thomas Hope, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 115). In the collection of Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope, Deepdene, No. 55 ; bought as a whole in 1898 by the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi and A. Wertheimer. In the collection of the late Baron Alphonse de Rothschild, Paris. 37. A GUARD-ROOM WITH TEN FIGURES. Of the early period. In style it accords well with 35 (lonides). In the Herzog collection, Vienna. 37/7. A Guard-room with Soldiers smoking. 17^ inches by 14 inches. Sale. Van Zwieten, The Hague, April 12, 1741 (Hoet, ii. 27), No. 203 but No. 21 1 of the original catalogue (24 florins, Verschuuring). 37*. A Soldier taking Fruit, with another Man. A small picture. In the collection of Griffier Fagel, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 41 1) ; but not mentioned by Buchanan in the Fagcl sale, London, May 22, 1801. 37<r. A Guard-room. A guard-room in which a lady sits as a prisoner, with soldiers. From the dimensions, the picture might be identical with a W. Duyster now privately owned in Paris and formerly in the possession of W. Dahl, Dusseldorf. It was attributed to Ter n u r V n u.^ e Dahl ^-catalogue and in the catalogues of the Ousseldorf Exhibition, 1904, and the Paris Exhibition, 1911, although