Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/342

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326 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. 56. THE PENITENT MAGDALEN. She looks at a crucifix hung above her to the right. Below it, near her, are a skull and a lighted lamp. Panel, i8 inches by I2| inches. In the Cologne Museum, 1888, according to the 1888 catalogue; but not now there. 56*7. The Magdalen at the Tomb. Lamplight. 55 inches by 40 inches. Sale. J. Seguier and others, London, February 7, 1903, No. 84. 56^. The Penitent Magdalen. Dressed in a penitent's robe, she lies plunged in thought in a cave, dimly lighted by an oil lamp. [Pendant to 37-] Panel, n inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Heis and others, Cologne, October 5, 1903, No. 110. 56*:. The Penitent Magdalen. Copper, 12 inches by io inches. Sale. Frankfort-on-Main, September 21, 1909, No. 225. 57. Saint Cecilia, with an Angel. Sm. 99. She is singing. Canvas, n inches by 9 inches. Sale. Chevalier G. F. J. de Verhulst, Brussels, August 1 6, 1779, No. 173 (150 florins, Fouquet). 58. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. loj inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. Seguier and others, London, February 7, 1903, No. 1 08. 58*. A Seraph's Head. Sale. Guerin and others, The Hague, September 13, 1740, No. 164 (2 florins). 58^. A HERMIT IN A CAVE. By lamplight. Signed in full on the right, and dated 1687 ; copper, 12^ inches by loj inches. In the possession of the Mannheim dealer Werth ; given by him in exchange to the Stuttgart Museum. In the Stuttgart Museum, 1907 catalogue, No. 302. 58^. A Hermit. 17 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Lambert Witsen, Amsterdam, May 25, 1746 (Hoet, ii. 189), No. 37 (i 2 florins). 58^. A Hermit in his Cell. By candlelight. Sale. Jacques de Roore, The Hague, September 4, 1747 (Hoet, ii. 209), No. 122 (13 florins 10). 58*. A Monk praying in his Cell. Very finely rendered. 15 inches by 12 inches.