Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/356

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340 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. &. The Fruiterer. Canvas, 16 inches by i6 inches. Sa/f.F. H. de Groof, Antwerp, March 20, 1854, No. 55. io6<r. An Old Man with an Owl. Three-quarter length. A grey-bearded old man, in a brown coat, is training an owl perched on his left hand. Panel, 13! inches by io inches. Sale. Brenken and others, Cologne, April i, 1886, No. 91. 107. A Man with a Glass of Wine, in which is a Lemon. Oval panel, "] inches by 6| inches. Sales. Wannaar and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1757, No. 59. J. B. de Troy and others, Paris, April 9, 1764, No. 53 (372 francs). (Probably) N , Leyden, June I, 1765 (Terw. 448), No. 32 but No. 24 of the original catalogue (30 florins, Van der Schley). 108. An Old Man holding a Wine-Jug. He sits on a chair on which he leans his arm. With accessories. Canvas, u| inches by 9! inches. Sale. J. A. van Kinschot, Delft, July 21, 1767 (Terw. 608), No. 29 (42 florins 5). 109. The Jovial Artisan. Sm. 25. He holds a pot in one hand and a large glass in the other. [Pendant to 106.] Panel, 9^ inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Blondel de Gagny, Paris, December 10, 1776 (1000 francs, with pendant). 1 090. A Man with a Wine-Glass. Sale. Robit, Paris, May 21, 1801, No. 149 of Bryan's catalogue. See W. Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, ii. 71. 109^. A Soldier smoking. Sm. 58. His hair and beard are grey. He wears a cuirass and holds a short pipe. [Pendant to 127.] Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sales. Jan Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June 1 1, 1800, No. 196 (150 florins, W. Reyers). Philip Panne, London, March 26, 1819 (36 : 153.). 1 10. A Young Man at Table. Sm. 45. Half-length. He sits eating ham at a table on which are a pewter plate and a piece of bread. Panel, 84 inches by 7 inches. Sales. Belisard, Paris, 1783 (1000 francs) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 78. Wattier, Paris, 1797 (600 francs). London, 1807 (21). (Possibly) John Webb, London, 1821 (15 : 155.). in. A Laughing Man with a Wine-Glass in his Hand- Very finely rendered. Copper, 3l inches by 2| inches.