Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/363

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 347 129. A Comely Young Woman with her Lap -Dog. Sm. Suppl. i. She wears a yellow dress, and is seen almost in profile. She makes the dog sit up on a table. Panel, 8 inches by 6| inches. Sale. (Probably) Amsterdam, November 23, 1729 (Hoet, i. 344), No. 12 (106 florins, with 6ja). In the collection of Count van Wassenaar, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 402). Sale. J. H. Count van Wassenaar, Amsterdam, October 25, 1769, No. 37 (275 florins, Fouquet). In the collection of the Earl of Coventry, 1842 (Sm.). i2o,tf. A Young Girl playing with a Dog on her Lap. A good picture. Sale. Paris, March 28, 1845, No. 64. 129^. A Young Girl with a Parrot's Cage. Accessories. A very fine picture. 20 inches by i6| inches. Sale. Robert de Neufville, Leyden, March 15, 1736 (Hoet, 1.459), No. 5 (155 florins). 130. A Young Girl with a Bird on her Hand. She is seen through a window. A carpet is hung over the window-sill, which is adorned with a relief. Above hangs a red curtain. Panel, 19 inches by 13 inches. Sales. J. D. Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 256 (50 florins). O. W. J. Berg, Amsterdam, July 7, 1825, No. 102 (270 florins). 131. A Lady with a Parrot. A lady, elegantly dressed, sits at a table, offering in her right hand an almond to a parrot which perches on her left hand. A silver dish is on the table, from which a purple velvet cover hangs down. Very finely rendered. Canvas, 32 inches by 25^ inches. Sales. F. W. Greebe, Amsterdam, December 8, 1788, No. 6 (250 florins, D. Tol). Amsterdam, June 20, 1810, No. 82 (81 florins, Spaan). (Supplementary) L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, August 7, 1811, No. 83 (118 florins, Roos, bought in). L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, April 8, 1816, No. 100 (80 florins, Josi). Amsterdam, July 16, 1819, No. 153 (81 florins, De Vries). Amsterdam, August 2, 1828, No. 112 (39 florins, Hartsen). 132. Interior: A Woman playing with a Cat. The cat springs at something. The woman sits at a table, on which lie a cushion, scissors, and a spectacle-case. Through a door is seen another room. Very finely rendered. Panel, 8^ inches by 6| inches. Sale. S. Stinstra, Amsterdam, March 26, 1783, No. 125 (25 florins 10, Fouquet). 133. A Young Dutch Girl catching a Butterfly. She leans with her left arm on the sill of an arched window, and moves her right hand