Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/370

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354 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. Sale. (Possibly) J. B. de Troy and others, Paris, April 9, 1764, No. 52 (600 francs). In the Karlsruhe Gallery, 1894 catalogue, No. 283. 159. A DUET OR SINGING-LESSON. Sm. 5. On the left a young lady sits turned to the right at a table. She wears a jacket trimmed with ermine, and is singing. Her left hand rests on a music- book on her lap : she beats time with her right hand. To the right of her, and a little farther back, a young man with a mandoline sits at the table, turned a little to the right. He strikes the strings with his right hand, and tightens a key with his left, to tune the instrument. He looks at a music-book lying in front of him. The table in front is covered with a Persian carpet, on which lies a rose. In the left background is a column, with a picture on the wall to the right of it, and a curtain draped high to the right of the picture. [Pendant to 230.] Signed in full ; panel, io inches by 8 inches. Possibly identical with "A Musical Party," exhibited at the British Institu- tion, London, 1822, from the collection of C. Hanbury Tracy (Sm.). Sales. Comte de Vence, Paris, 1 760 (620 francs). La Live de Jully, Paris, March 5, 1770 see Ch. Blanc, i. 382. Due de Choiseul, Paris, April 6, 1772, No. 144 (1560 francs, prob- ably with pendant) see Ch. Blanc, i. 197. Randon de Boisset, Paris, February 3, 1777 (1200 francs, probably with pendant). Prince de Conti, Paris, April 8, 1777 (1200 francs, with pendant) see Ch. Blanc, i. 382. Destouches, Paris, March 24, 1794 (1003 francs). In the collection of Wynn Ellis, London, bequeathed to the National Gallery in 1876. In the National Gallery, London, 1911 catalogue, No. 998. 1 60. A MUSIC-PARTY. Sm. 4. Four gentlemen and a lady at a table. On the right sits the lady, turned to the left and beating time with her right hand. Behind her to the left an old man with a full beard looks through his spectacles at the music-book lying in front of the lady. In the centre behind the table sits a gentleman, seen almost in full face ; he holds a music-book in his left hand and sings. On the extreme left a youth with long hair sits at the table, turned to the right ; he is playing the violin and looks at a music-book lying before him. Behind him to the right and farther back is another gentleman. In the left foreground is a chair, on which is a silver salver with a jug. In the right foreground lies a little dog. In the right background is an open door, through which is seen a garden. Above, to left and right, the picture is framed by a curtain. Possibly portraits of Schalcken and his family. Panel, 23 inches by 19 inches. Engraved by Wille. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1826 and 1827. Sales. Antony Grill, Amsterdam, April 14, 1728 (Hoet, i. 327), No. 23 (360 florins).