Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/373

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 357 In the collection of Sir Charles A. Turner, London, 1904. Sale. Sir Charles A. Turner, London, March 16, 1908, No. 64 Gi6 : i6s., Wall). 1 66. TWELFTH NIGHT: Or, A COMPANY OF YOUNG PEOPLE PLAYING THE "VROUWTJE KOM TEN HOOF " (or, Le Roi De'trousse). Sm. 2. In the centre of a tiled hall sits a young gentleman who is stripped to his shirt and breeches, and stretches out his arms with an amused air. He leans on the lap of a young girl seated behind him ; she is turned to the left and raises her right hand threateningly. To the left, behind her, another girl looks down at the young man. Farther back and to the left of this group are a young cava- lier and a girl who raises her right hand as if to strike. To the right, behind the first group, are another young couple. In the right foreground a large curtain hangs down to the floor. Before the young man lies a cushion ; beside him to the right his clothes lie on a chair. The picture, according to Houbraken (iii. 176), represents a comedy (JVifie come to Court] popular at Dordrecht in his day, and contains the portraits of well-known people. The young man in the centre is said to be Schalcken himself. A "superlative production" (Sm.). Panel, 25^ inches by 19^ inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1826-1827 ; and at Man- chester, 1857, No. 1052. Sale. Johan van Schuylenburg, The Hague, September 20, 1735 (Hoet, i. 450), No. 57 (800 florins). In the collection of Louis XVI. of France (valued at .409 : IDS.). Sales. Amsterdam, June 26, 1799, No. 15 (1900 florins, J. Schmidt). Walsh Porter, London, March 22, 1803 (409 : ios.). In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 74 ; it was in the Royal collection, 1833 (Sm.). 167. A Comely Young Lady feeding a Parrot. She is in profile, and wears a blue silk cloak over a red dress, with plumes in her hair. She is feeding a green parrot. In the shadow behind is a young man who helps her. An excellent and finely rendered picture. Canvas. Sale. London, June 24, 1874 according to a MS. note in Sm.'s copy of his catalogue. 167^. A Woman with a Child. The picture was in a case. Sale. D'Orvielle, Amsterdam, July 15, 1705 (Hoet, i. 84), No. 57 (80 florins). 167^. Two Turks leaning over a Balustrade. Good and natural. Sale. Countess of Albemarle, The Hague, October 26, 1744 (Hoet, ii. 145) (13 florins, Sporke). 168. CHILDREN PLAYING WITH A BLADDER. Sm. Suppl. 15. Three-quarter length. On the left, behind a window-sill, stands a fair-haired girl in a light blue dress embroidered with gold. She