Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/381

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189. A Woman blowing up the Fire in a Charcoal Pan. She leans her elbow on a sort of footstool and tries to kindle the embers by blowing through her closed ringers. Signed in full on the left at foot ; panel, 9! inches by i inches. Sale. R. Pott and others, Rotterdam, October u, 1855, No. 63. In the Chateauroux Museum, 1874 catalogue, No. 57. 190. A MAID-SERVANT EXAMINING EGGS. Sm. 82. Three-quarter length ; turned to the left. She sits at a table, on which stands a lighted oil lamp near a bunch of onions. She carries on her left arm a basket of eggs. She holds up an egg in her right hand against the lamplight to see if it is fresh. Panel, 1 1 inches by 8| inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A. 368. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1398. 190*7. An Old Woman with a Lamp. She wears old Dutch dress and sits with spectacles on nose in an interior. She tries to make the lamp burn more brightly. In her left hand is a purse. Effectively lighted. Panel, 7^ inches by 6 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 24, 1792, No. 89 (59 florins, Nijman). 190^. A Woman lighting a Candle from a Piece of Blazing Wood. She holds the candle in her right hand and the candlestick in her left. Canvas, 24 J inches by i inches. Sale. P. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August I, 1810, No. 91 (i 50 florins, Roos). 191. A Comely Woman with a Pair of Snuffers. She sits at a table with a. red cloth, holding a music-book in her left hand and in her right a pair of snuffers, with which she is about to trim a candle in a candlestick before her. At her side a green curtain is draped high. A very good picture. Panel, 14! inches by n| inches. Sales. Jan Verbeek, Leyden, August 18, 1778, No. 2 (64 florins 10, Coders). Jan Maul and others, Leyden, September 28, 1782, No. 84 (60 florins, Cremer). Rotterdam, April 25, 1817, No. 130 (40 florins, Van Eyk). igia. A Girl putting a Candle in a Lantern. She is in a strong light. Canvas, 15 inches by 12 inches. Sales. (Possibly) Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 176 (6 florins 15). Von Heintze, Cologne, May 12, 1874, No. 156. 192. A Woman weighing Gold. Three-quarter length. An old woman sits, turned to the right, at a table on which stands a lighted oil lamp. She holds in her left hand a pair of scales ; with the right hand she holds up a coin to the light. On the table before her lie papers.