Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/387

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 371 Panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 4, 1785, No. 302 (9 florins, Strubin). 208. The Singer. Half-length. A young girl, lightly clad, singing from an open book by candlelight. Finely painted, with an effect of light. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. J. J. von Hirsch auf Gereuth, Cologne, September 23, 1878, No. 203. 209. GIRL WATERING PLANTS. She is seen almost in full face at a window. She wears a brown dress and a white cap. She rests her left arm on the window-sill, and holds a lighted candle in her left hand. With the right hand she pours water from a large earthenware jug into an ornamental vase in which a plant grows. To the right, in a shallow pot, is a tall plant with a red blossom. Behind the girl is a brown curtain. Closely related to G. Dou. [Compare Dou 243 (Dresden), which, as Mr. MacColl points out, is the same subject and of almost exactly the same size. Translator. ] Panel, rounded at top, 12 inches by 8 inches. Possibly 210 was a replica of this. [Exhibited at Bethnal Green Museum, London, 1872, No. 121, under the title of " Candlelight Effect." Translator.] In the Wallace Collection, London, 1910 catalogue, No. 168. 210. A Young Girl with a Water- Jug. She is watering flowers. She is illumined by a lighted candle which she holds in her hand. Dark surroundings. Canvas, n inches by 8 inches. Possibly a replica of 209. Sale. Van den Wiele, Malines, October 26, 1896, No. 32. . A Young Lady examining a Watch. Sm. 6. By candlelight. In the collection of the Comte de Vence, Paris, 1760. 211. AN OLD WOMAN AT AN OPEN HALF-DOOR. She leans over the lower half of the door, holding in her right hand a lighted candle which she shades with her left hand. She wears a red bodice and a white nightcap. [Closely related to G. Dou. Possibly identical with 216.] The full signature, which is old and probably genuine, is on the back ; panel, n^ inches by 8 inches. Exhibited at Bremen, 1904 catalogue, No. 316. In the collection of Hermann Strohm, Bremen. 212. A GIRL WITH A LIGHTED CANDLE AT A WINDOW. Half-length. She leans, turning to the left, out of a window which is draped with a red curtain on the right side and at the top. She wears a white kerchief. Of her dress only the left sleeve is shown. It consists of two puffs drawn tight on the bend of the arm ; the upper puff" is blue, slashed and lined with white, and the lower one is white.