Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/407

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 391 Sales. (Probably) (supplementary) Amsterdam, June 22, 1817, No. 217. Amsterdam, May 14, 1832, No. 84 (99 florins, Brondgeest). Jelgerhuis and Saportas, Amsterdam, December 12, 1836, No. 44. Anrep-Elmpt, Cologne, June 5, 1893, No. 99. 279*7. A Boy holding a Torch. Beside him is a little girl. A powerful effect of light. Panel, 13 inches by n inches. Sales. Breda, August 23, 1817, No. 41. Whitehead and others, London, May 7, 1898, No. 98. 279^. A Boy and a Girl by Candlelight. 20 inches by 16 inches. Sale. London, July 29, 1899, No. 25. 279*:. Children fighting. By candlelight. 13^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. London, July 20, 1906, No. 41. 279^. A Boy and a Girl. By candlelight. 29 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. R. Martin, London, April 8, 1911, No. 146. 280. SUPPOSED PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER WITH A BLACK CAP. Half-length, inclined to the left. The head is turned three-quarters right. He wears a light purple cloak on the right shoulder and a black coat over a white shirt open at the throat. The background is dark on the left and blue on the right. [Possibly identical with 284^.] Canvas, 23 J inches by 18 inches. In the Fitzwilliam collection, bequeathed to the University in 1815. In the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 1902 catalogue, No. 368. 281. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. Three-quarter length, inclined to the left ; the head and the eyes are turned towards the spectator. The painter has his right hand on his breast ; he holds a mezzotint in his left hand. To the left, beside the head, is a candle, which throws a strong light on the face. On the extreme left, at the edge of the picture, is a curtain. In the Uffizi, Florence, 1910 catalogue, No. 435 ; it was there as early as 1718 (Houbraken). 282. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. By candlelight. Life size, with a gold chain at his breast. He points with his right hand to the palette in his left. 42 inches by 34^ inches. In the collection of Sir F. Cook, Bart., Richmond, No. 135. 283. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. He sits in profile to the left at his easel, upon which is a picture. His left arm rests on the back of his chair. His palette and brushes are in his left hand. His right hand, holding a brush, rests on his cloak. He wears a hat. Signed in full on the easel ; panel, 5^ inches by 4 inches.