Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/418

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402 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. 3330. William III. and his Ancestors, especially 'Prince Maurice (1567-1625), Frederick Henry (1584-1647), and William II. (1626-1650). Copies by Schalcken after older portraits. The originals of the portraits with names were in the new hall of the States General. Painted for the council-room of the Admiralty, Rotterdam, 1700-1701 ; see Kramm, iii. 1454- 333/>. William III., King of England. Sm. 3. Aged about thirty. Life size, almost in full face. He wears armour, partly hidden by a cloak lined with ermine and a rich point-lace cravat. He has a full curling wig. His figure is brightly illumined by a large wax candle in a rich candela- brum, apparently held by the left arm, as the hands are not shown. " An excellent work of the master " (Sm.). Canvas, 29 inches by 24! inches. In the possession of Jarman, London, 1833 (Sm.) ; it had been "recently discovered in an obscure place in the Borough." 334. PORTRAIT OF AN OLD ARTIST. Half-length, in- clined to the left. His head is turned to the front ; he looks over his shoulder. His hair and whiskers are white. His left hand rests on a skull, lying to the left on a table beside a small reproduction of the Venus de' Medici. His right hand draws a purple cloak over his left elbow. He wears a pink velvet doublet with slashed sleeves and a white collar, and a black velvet cap. In the left background is an easel with a palette j to the right of it, a black-framed picture hangs on a grey wall. Panel, 9^ inches by 7^ inches. In the collection of J. F. Stadel, Frankfort-on-Main (who died in 1816). In the StadePsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfort-on-Main, 1900 catalogue, No. 226. 335. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Three-quarter length ; turned to the front. A middle-aged man with long powdered hair, wearing a brown silk robe, a brocaded doublet and a pointed hat, stands beside a table covered with a Persian carpet. He leans his left hand on the table ; with the right hand he holds the ends of the robe round his waist. Behind him to the left is a red drapery. On the back wall is a door of inlaid wood in a rich architectural frame. On the table are a baton covered with grey velvet, a cloak, a deed, and an inkpot. Signed in full ; panel, 1 6 inches by 12 inches. In the collection of Steinmann-Flammersheim, who gave it to the Museum, 1877. In the Cologne Museum, 1902 catalogue, No. 714. 336. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Signed, and dated 1703. In the collection of Balny d'Avricourt, Paris. 337. PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN A LARGE FAIR WIG. He wears a red coat and a dark cloak. In the Warsaw Museum, 1901 catalogue, No. 69.