Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/426

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4 io GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. 3600. Portrait of a Comely Woman. Very finely painted. 1 8 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Robert de Neufville, Leyden, March 15, 1736 (Hoet, i. 459), No. 6 (54 florins). 361. A Lady seated near a Fountain. Sm. 68. In the collection of Griffier Fagel, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 409). 36 1 a. A Lady in a Recess. A copy, according to the Dishoek catalogue of 1745. ii inches by 8 inches. Sales. E. van Dishoek, Amsterdam, June 9, 1745 (Hoet, ii. 176), No. 118 (20 florins, bought in). E. van Dishoek, Amsterdam, November 6, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 281), No. 68 but No. 70 of the original catalogue (35 florins, Laporterize). Wannaar and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1757, No. 133. 361^. Portrait of a Lady. Unusually good. 25! inches by 21 inches. Sale. Gerard Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1760 (Terw. 226), No. 57 (41 florins, Muisje). 361 c. Head of a Woman. Dressed in the old-fashioned style. 17 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Gerard Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1760 (Terw. 226), No. 58 (31 florins 10). 362. Portrait of a Young Lady. Half-length. A black sable robe hangs from her shoulders. Not by G. Schalcken, according to a MS. note by J. van der Marck. Canvas, 20 J inches by i6 inches. Sale. J. A. van Kinschot, Delft, July 21, 1767, No. 55 (3 florins, Knol). 362*. Portrait of a Woman. In old-fashioned dress. Excel- lently painted. Canvas, about i8| inches by 23^ inches. Sale. J. M. Quinkhard, Amsterdam, March 15, 1773, No. 38 (9 florins). 363. Portrait of a Lady. Standing to the right in a landscape ; seen almost in full face. She rests her left hand on a bank, upon which is a little basket of flowers. She wears a broad-brimmed hat. Very finely rendered. Canvas, 17^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. D. Fiers Kappeyne, Amsterdam, April 25, 1775, No. 87 (36 florins, Yver). 364. Portrait of a Young Lady. Sm. 31. Half-length. She wears a low-cut gown, with lace at the bosom. Her head is turned a little to the right ; her long hair is parted in front, and falls on her shoulders. She wears a necklace of large pearls.