Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/45

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 29 fur, a grey skirt and an apron, and a white linen cap. At her side is a cradle, partly covered with a green cloth. A small full-length figure. Canvas, 18 inches by 15 inches. Engraved by Le Rat. Exhibited in Paris, 1911, No. 151. Sale. D. P. Sellar, Paris, June 6, 1889, No. 78 (8100 francs). In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1878, No. 216. In the collection of Albert Lehmann, Paris. 72. THE SEMPSTRESS. Sm. Suppl. 27. In the centre of a room sits a portly lady, facing the spectator. She wears a black velvet jacket bordered with ermine, a grey skirt and a greenish apron, and a white kerchief. She is sewing. On her right is a cradle, partly covered with a green cloth. Beyond it, a young woman in a red bodice stands attending to a pot on the fire. On the back wall hangs a picture. Canvas, 21 inches by 18 inches. A copy is in the Nimes Museum, Gower collection, No. 61. A second copy, with variations in the colouring, is attributed to Metsu in the St. Petersburg Academy, 1874 catalogue, No. 523 ; it was given in 1832 by the Tsar Nicholas I. Sales. J. H. van Heemskerk, The Hague, March 29, 1770, No. 18 (854 florins, Fouquet). P. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August I, 1810, No. 101 (510 florins, Spaan) possibly on panel. H. Croese, Amsterdam, September 18, 1811, No. 88 (410 florins, Van der Voort). Van der Voort, Amsterdam, July 20, 1812, No. 59 (405 florins, Spaan). Imported into England by the London dealer John Smith before 1833. In the collection of Casimir Perier, Paris. In the collection of the Comtesse de Segur, born Perier, Paris. 73. OLD LADY SPINNING. The old lady faces left and has a dog in her lap. She wears a grey dress with a green apron and a black jacket trimmed with fur. In the background is the hearth. Well executed. Panel, 13! inches by 10 inches. Exhibited at the Guildhall Art Gallery, London, 1895, No. 107 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1902, No. 184. Sales. J. Tak, Soeterwoude, September 5, 1781, No. 16 (530 florins, Delfos). J. A. Bennet, Leyden, April 10, 1829, No. 52 (213 florins, Van den Berg). It might be thought that, if the sale-catalogue was right in giving the dimensions as 18 inches by 16 inches, this must have been another example. But the doubt is removed by a comparison of the Richmond picture with a water-colour copy by A. Delfos, after the Bennet picture, which is now in the Amsterdam Print- room. This copy was in the sale : H. Duval and others, Amsterdam, June 22, 1910, No. 88 (20 florins, Moes). In the collection of Sir Frederick Cook, Bart., Richmond, No. 138.