Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/452

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43 6 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. 48. A KITCHEN. In front are two men and a woman. At the back a maid-servant sweeps the floor. A skinned hare hangs on a post. On the floor near it is a basket of eggs ; farther away are dead ducks, vegetables, a pot, and an upturned cask with tobacco-pipes and a wine- glass upon it. The types are in Slingeland's usual manner. 15! inches by 19 inches. In the Chanenko collection, Kieff ; 1899 catalogue, No. 280, as the work of Sorgh. 49. A KITCHEN WITH A MAID-SERVANT SCOUR- ING A POT. In the foreground of a kitchen a maid-servant stands at a cask covered with a cloth and scours a pot. She looks at the spectator, and wears a white cap, elbow-sleeves, and a short skirt. Near the cask in the right foreground are a cane chair, pots, pans, a pail, and a cooking- spoon ; a cat licks out a pot which is leaning to one side. To the left are a broom, cabbages, turnips, two dead ducks, a lantern, and other objects. In the left side-wall is an open window. At the back are a pump and a chimney-piece with plates standing on the shelf. The roof is timbered ; the floor is tiled. Panel, 14 inches by n inches. In the collection of Lord Francis Egerton. In the collection of the Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London, 1892 catalogue, No. 238 ; catalogued as by Abraham Jansens. 50. A KITCHEN SCENE. Sm. 12. In the right foreground of a kitchen a young woman, dressed in a plain blue gown with a dark apron, sits with apples in her lap. On a chair beside her to the left is a dish of apples, from which she takes one to peel it. She looks to the right at a man with long hair, who wears a long coat. He stands, resting his left hand on the back of a second chair and holding out to the woman two dead partridges in his right hand. At the hearth in the background is a cook. In the right foreground, beside the woman, is a table with a green cover, spread with a white cloth, on which are an earthenware jug and eatables. On the floor under the table a cat plays with a dead mouse. In the left front corner are an overturned copper pail, a dish with a plate of fish on it, cabbages, and turnips. At the side-wall near these is a pump ; above it are plates and dishes. From the ceiling hang dead game. " Ex- quisitely finished " (Sm.). Signed in full, and dated 1685 > panel, i8 inches by 14! inches. Engraved by C. Warren in the " Stafford Gallery." In the collection of G. Braamcamp, Amsterdam, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 509). Sales. G. Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 205 (2010 florins, H. de Winter). N. Doekscheer, Amsterdam, September 9, 1789, No. 42 (1465 florins, Fouquet). Marin, Paris, March 22, 1790 (3000 francs). J. Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June 11, 1800, No. 119 (910 florins, J. Spaan). In the collection of the Marquess of Stafford.