Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/459

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 443 blue apron, peels potatoes. Both look at a small boy, with his school- books under his arm and his hat in his hand, who stands before them and gives a message. The light enters from the left through an attic-window, under which is a rabbit-hutch. " Painted in a broad and free style of handling" (Sm.). [Pendant to 72.] Signed with the monogram on the left ; panel, 17 inches by 14 inches, In the collection of Madame de Haan-Bierens, Amsterdam, 1842 (Sm.) ; sold under the name of her father D. Bierens, Amsterdam, November 15, 1 88 1 ; this was No. 19. 730. A Dutch Interior. To the left are two women, one of whom peels potatoes, with a man, talking vivaciously. To the right a peasant, who is smoking, watches the group attentively. Signed on the right with the monogram ; panel, 6 inches by 9 inches. Sale. H5pken-Melenberg and others, Berlin, May 6, 1892, No. 162. 73^. A Woman plucking a Bird. Many accessories. 22^ inches by 20 inches. Sales. Pieter Testas the younger, Amsterdam, March 29, 1757 (Terw. 178), No. 34 but No. 31 of the original catalogue (58 florins, Rongent). (Possibly) Honywood and others, London, December 14, 1895, No. 55. 74. A WOMAN WITH A PAIL. She draws water from a well. The execution strongly reminds one of Dou. Panel, 10^ inches by 7 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1851, No. 24; and at the South Kensington Museum, London, 1891-1898, No. i. In the collection of Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope, Deepdene ; sold as a whole in 1898 to the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi and A. Wertheimer. 75. A YOUNG COOK. At a table on which are vessels, meat, and other things, a young woman sits cleaning a hare. On the wall hang plates and pots. At the back are a bench with a full basket on it, a sucking-pig, a wine-cooler, and so on. Signed on the left at foot with monogram ; 22 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Professor Wedewer of Wiesbaden, Cologne, May I, 1899, No. 211. 76. A Woman peeling a Lemon. A Dutch woman in a fur- trimmed gown and white cap is on the right of a room, peeling a lemon. On the floor in front of her are vegetables. Behind her is a boy with a pot. In front of a window to the left is a table with a blue cover, on which are a lace-pillow, a book, and a candle. Before the table is a chair. On the floor are pots, pewter vessels, and a broom. Panel, 18 inches by 16 inches. Sale. F. Gerstel, Berlin, January 21, 1908, No. 80. 77. A KITCHEN. Sm. 3, and Suppl. 26. Three women are in a kitchen. The nearest woman draws water from a well. The two others