Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/463

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 447 In the collection of Paignon Dijonval, Paris ; bought by the London dealer Emmerson before 1829 (Sm.). Sale. Charles Brind, London, May 10, 1849 (27 : 6s., Smith) ; sold by Sm. in 1849 to W. Delafield. In the collection of Henry Harvey, London, 1868. gia. A Young- Lady reading a Letter. Signed with the monogram, and dated 1690 ; panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. In the Ritter collection, Leipzig, 1860 (Parthey, ii. 555). 92. SINGING PRACTICE (or, A Musical Family in a Cottage Kitchen). Sm. 32, and Suppl. 19. On the left, a peasant in a black jacket with a black cap and grey boots plays the fiddle. To the right, a small boy in a yellow doublet and white apron holds a music-book and sings. He is accompanied by a man in a chestnut-brown coat, who stands farther back. To the left is a little boy. The housewife, who is behind the fiddler, wears a grey dress and a white apron, and is cleaning vegetables. Household utensils are scattered all over the scene. In front of the hearth to the right are a cat and a dog. A "beautiful example of the master" (Sm.). Signed in full in the centre ; panel, i8| inches by 24 inches. In the collection of A. L. van Heteren, The Hague, 1752, (Hoet, ii. 460) ; bought for the Rijksmuseum in 1809. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 2203. 93. THE UNMUSICAL DOG. Sm. 30. To the left of a hand- some room, a young girl sits, turned to the right, in an easy chair. She wears an orange dress with a white apron and a blue jacket trimmed with white fur. She holds a little spaniel in her right arm. With her left hand she repulses a young man, who bends over her and prods the dog with a flute in his right hand. The young man is bareheaded and has no beard. He wears a jacket with slashed sleeves over a white under-garment, and a lace cravat. On the floor to the left lie three music-books. On the right is a chair with a coloured cover, on which lie a violin and a bow. In the right wall is a tall pillared chimney-piece. At the back are a chair and a bed. Signed in full on the right at top, and dated 1672 ; panel, 15-! inches by 12 inches. A replica is in the collection of Prince Jussupoff, St. Petersburg. Acquired for Dresden in 1708 by F. Lemmers from Antwerp. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A. 503. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1761. 94. THE SINGER. A lady, seen in full face, is singing ; she holds her music-book in her left hand. She wears a green dress with a red wrap and a white feather ornament in her hair. Above the harpsichord to the right hangs a lute. In the left background a boy brings a chair. Signed in full to the right on the lid of the instrument ; panel, 13 inches by 10 inches.