Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/472

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456 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. Panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale. G. H. Trochel and others, Amsterdam, May n, 1801, No. 79 (47 florins 10, Coders). 127. A Boy with a Bird. Sm. 7 and 17. In a room is a comely little boy in an elegant green dress, having a black velvet cap with feathers on his fair hair. He holds on his left hand a little bird, and has in his right hand a little crutch with bells. A little dog barks at the bird. In front lies a broken bird-cage. On a table with a cover to the left is a pot of flowers. Near it is a chair. At the back, through an open door leading into another room, a maid-servant enters with a market-pail. Above the door hang old pictures. Well finished and remarkably delicate and dignified in handling. Panel, 13 inches by loj inches. Sales. Van Zaanen, The Hague, November 16, 1767 (Terw. 651), No. 4 (400 florins, Rottermondt, bought in). G. Braamcamp, Amsterdam, August 22, 1771, No. 206 (560 florins, P. Locquet). P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 340 (630 florins, Van Dijk). Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (500 francs). De Sereville, Paris, 1811 (1196 francs). 128. Blowing Bubbles. At an arched window-opening stand an older boy and a girl who send up soap-bubbles. The girl, who has a white cloth over her dress and a cap, leans her right elbow on the window-sill. She holds in her left hand the pot of soapsuds and watches a large bubble, which the boy, standing behind her to the left, has just blown from a clay pipe held up in his right hand. The boy wears a dark dress and a dark felt hat. At the window, to the right, hangs a bird-cage ; under it is the branch of an apple tree. Panel, 9! inches by 6 inches. Sale. Berlin, May 18, 1897, No. 123. 129. Portrait of the Painter. Half-length, almost in full face. In a black cloak. Dignified and carefully painted. Oval panel, 5 inches by 4^ inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 7288. Sales. Catharina Backer, widow of A. de la Court, Leyden, September 8, 1766, No. 145 (8 1 florins, J. van der Marck). Leyden, August 26, 1788, No. 131 (12 florins, Van Zanten). 129*. The Painter and his Wife. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1845, No. 44. Then in the collection of the widowed Madame J. J. Beckeringh. 130. CATHARINA VAN BEAUMONT (i637-after 1690), widow of Jan de Witt (1618-1676). Signed in full, and dated 1690 ; oval panel, 12 inches by 9 inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 411. Exhibited at the Hague, 1881, No. 274.