Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/477

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 461 straight before him. He wears a black coat with narrow white lace cuffs and a close-fitting white lace collar, black stockings and shoes. He rests his right hand on his hip j his left hand leans lightly on the stone balustrade at the entrance to a house on the left. In the right background are two stone figures of women and a park with an archway. Signed in full ; canvas, 14 inches by nj inches. In the Metropolitan Museum, New York ; 1905 catalogue, No. 82 ; bought in 1871. 145. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Sm. 35. He is bareheaded and has long hair falling on his shoulders. He wears a pleated shirt and a black coat. He is seen almost in full face. Signed in full, and dated 1656 (sic] ; panel, 4^ inches by 3^ inches. In the Louvre, Paris, 1907 catalogue, No. 2569 ; it was valued by the experts in 1816 (at 1000 francs). 145*7. Portrait of a Gentleman (? Van Musschenbroek ; cf. 135). He leans one hand on a table upon which lie some astronomical instru- ments. At the back is a garden. [Pendant to r6i.] Panel, io| inches by 8 inches. Sale. P. L. de Neufville, Amsterdam, June 19, 1765 (Terw. 475), No. 91 but No. 93 of the original catalogue (270 florins, J. M. Kok ; probably bought in, according to a MS. note by J. van der Marck). 146. Portrait of a Man in a Robe. He stands in front of a pillar with a curtain. On a pedestal at the back is a figure of Mercury, with trees near. [Pendant to 146*7 and 169.] Panel, 7^ inches by 6 inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 297 (50 florins, with 169, Yver). Portrait of a Man in a Robe. Half-length. He holds a watch. Beside and behind him is a balustrade. In the distance are trees. Good and delicately rendered. [Pendant to 146 and 169.] Panel, *] inches by 6J inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 298 (50 florins, Yver). 147. Portrait of a Man. Half-length. He is seen almost in full face, and has a black cloak draped round him. Good and delicately rendered. Oval, 5 inches by 5^ inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 299 (35 florins, Van Leyden). 147*7. Portrait of a Man. Finished with extraordinary care. Oval, 4 inches by 3^ inches. Sale. (Supplementary) Madame J. van Leeuwaarden, the widow of P. Merkman, Haarlem, September 21, 1773, No. 112.