Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/484

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468 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. Sale. D. Hooft, Amsterdam, October 30, 1860, No. 3 (955 florins,. Nieuwenhuys). 167. Portrait of a Lady. Half-length. Her hands are clasped in front of her. Panel, 6| inches by 4^ inches. Sale. Henry Doetsch, London, June 22, 1895, No. 433. 168. Portrait of a Lady in a Satin Gown. Three-quarter length, seated. She is turned to the left, and looks straight before her. She leans her right arm on a balustrade. She holds a book open on her lap with her left hand. At the back is a view of a park. Signed in full, and dated 1683 ; panel, rounded at top, 9 inches by 6 inches. Sales. (Supplementary) J. L. Sigault, Amsterdam, December 3, 1833, No. 351 (88 florins, Roos). J. Bernard, Amsterdam, November 24, 1834, No. 142 (99 florins 50,. Brondgeest). In the collection of Max Kann, Paris. In the collection of Baron KSnigswarter, Vienna. Sale. Sedelmeyer, Berlin, November 16, 1897, No. 46. 169. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. Half- length, standing, turned three-quarters left. She is dressed in velvet, and leans on a stone pedestal in the courtyard of a castle. In her right hand or,. according to the Van Saceghem catalogue, in her left hand is a rose. At the back are a house, a gateway, a wall, and trees. A genuine but not a sympathetic picture. [Pendant to 146 and 146*7.] Signed on the right ; panel, 7^ inches by 6 inches. Sales. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 299 (50 florins, with 146, Yver). J. Clemens, Ghent, June 21, 1779, No. 260. Van Saceghem of Ghent, Brussels, June 2, 1851, No. 78 (185 francs, Leord). Foucart, Valenciennes, October 12, 1898, No. 142. 170. PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN YELLOW. She is seen in full face, seated at a table. Over her left shoulder is a scarf. Signed on the left with a forged signature, probably above a genuine signature; panel, 13^ inches by loj inches. Sale. J. T. Frere and others, London, July 5, 1907, No. 127. 171. Interior, with a Young Lady. She stands, holding a fan in both hands. She is in black with a lace collar. Beside her is a table, over which is spread a carpet ; on it is a mirror. Panel, 12 J inches by 10 inches. In a private collection, Rotterdam. In the possession of the Berlin dealer H. Wcustenberg, 1909 catalogue,. No. 38. 171*. A Small Portrait of a Child. Very good. Circular.