Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/50

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34 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. her side, with his left hand on her shoulder. He holds a bottle in his right hand. A china dish of cake is on the table, which is partly covered with a Turkey carpet that has been pushed back. Waagen (ii. 7) commends this" picture, but adds that the flesh-tints are rather pale and that portions, especially the lady's arms, have been repainted. Panel, 16 inches by 12^ inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1826. Sales. Pcilhon, Paris, May 1 6, 1763 (736 francs). Abbe Le Blanc, Paris, February 14, 1781 (1221 francs). In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, No. 148, catalogued as a Metsu ; it was in the Royal collection, 1833 (Sm., who valued it at 150). 83. THE PRESSING INVITATION TO DRINK. On the right, a woman sits in profile to the left at a table spread with a white linen cloth, on which are a dish of melons, a loaf, and a slice of melon. The woman wears a light grey dress with wide sleeves turned up to show the white lining ; she has a white cap, with a double string round the neck. In her left hand, which hangs down, she holds a glass with some wine in it. With her right hand she grasps the arm of a gentleman seated at her right, and she looks at him as she tries to prevent him from filling her glass from a wine-jug which he holds up in his right hand. The man has long black hair, a moustache and an imperial. He wears a blackish-green costume, slashed with white. Panel, io inches by 8 inches. In the possession of the London dealers Dowdeswell. In the possession of R. Langton Douglas, London. 84. A YOUNG DUTCHWOMAN POURING OUT A GLASS OF WINE. See Sm. 13. A young woman, seated in profile to the left, pours white wine from a pewter jug into a crystal glass. She wears a black cap, a grey jacket, a red skirt, and a white apron. On the left a young man sits asleep at the table, with his head on his arms. On the table are a silver dish and a pipe. Of moderate quality ; somewhat damaged. [Cf. 81.] Panel, 13 inches by 10 inches. In the Valedau collection, Paris, bequeathed in 1826 to Montpellier. [Sm. mentions the picture (see 81) sold in Paris, 1823 (for noo francs) as afterwards in the collection of Valedau, Paris.] In the Montpellier Museum, Valedau bequest, 1910 catalogue, No. 942. 85. A YOUNG WOMAN DRINKING. Sm. Suppl. 29 ; Sm. 27 (?) A young woman drinks from a Venetian glass, looking intently at the contents. In her other hand she holds a white jug with a pewter lid. She sits at a table, on which are paper and writing materials. She wears a striped yellow jacket, a grey skirt, and a black shoulder-cape. Her fair curls come out under her black cap. fCf. 80 and 178.] Panel, 15^ inches by 12 inches [but 13 inches by 12 inches, according to Sm.]. Engraved by A. Artigue.