Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/511

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xxi EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER 495 a violin in her left hand and a music-book in her right. Delicately painted. Canvas, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. W. Reyers, Amsterdam, September 21, 1814, No. 114 (34 florins, Van den Berg). 8 1. A Gentleman playing the Guitar. A gentleman stands playing the guitar at a window-opening. A Turkey carpet hangs over the sill, on which are a little dog and some musical instruments. Behind the gentleman is a negro holding a silver fruit-dish. Delicate and finished in style. Copper. Sale. Amsterdam, June 1 6, 1828, No. 74 (27 florins, Van Campen). Si a. A Lady singing, with a Lute. In the Blankensee collection, Berlin, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 186). 82. A Music-Party.. In a saloon a young gentleman sits at a table, playing the flute. Another gentleman bends over his companion to tease a little spaniel lying on a young lady's lap. The lady holds a music-book and leans back to protect her pet. Her guitar is on the floor, leaning against a chair. A negro man-servant brings fruit. Canvas, 21 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Neven, Cologne, March 17, 1879, No. 157. 83. The Duet. In a saloon hung with pictures a Dutch lady sits in an arm-chair with a blue velvet cushion. She wears a satin gown, a yellow bodice and an embroidered skirt. She is playing the violin. A young gentleman, wearing a cuirass over a doublet with loose sleeves, sits accompanying the lady on the flute. Another elegant cavalier, leaning one hand on a table covered with a Turkey carpet and holding the other hand at his back, listens to the music. He wears over his purple velvet coat a fine bandolier embroidered with gold and silver, and has puffed sleeves of white silk, white silk breeches, and grey silk stockings. His sword lies on the table. In the left background a man-servant brings refreshments on a salver. On the right, in a doorway, a lady and gentleman converse. Canvas, 23 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 395. 84. A LADY PLAYING THE LUTE. Sm. 27. A young lady, dressed in a grey silk bodice and a red satin skirt, and seen almost in full face, sits at a window, playing the lute. A Turkey carpet is thrown over the window-sill. At the back is a half-opened door. A good picture. " An exquisitely finished picture " (Sm.). Signed in full, and dated 1674; panel, 9^ inches by 7^ inches. In the possession of Jacques de Roore, The Hague. Sold by him to W. Lormier, The Hague (for 230 florins), according to his store-room catalogue of December 1754, No. 201. The sale must have taken place before 1752, when the picture was in Lormier's possession (Hoet, ii. 433).