Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/60

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44 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. 117. A Lady and a Gentleman playing Cards. In a very richly furnished room, with a bed at the back, a lady sits in front at a table with a cloth, playing cards with a gentleman who stands facing her. The lady wears a red velvet jacket with rich trimming, and a white satin gown. Behind the table stands a page, holding a jug in one hand and in the other a salver with a glass on it. In front on a chair lies a dog asleep. Sales. A. van der Werff van Zuidland, Dordrecht, July 31, 1811, No. 112. H. Croese, Amsterdam, September 18, 1811, No. 23 (260 florins, Van der Voort). H. Croese, Amsterdam, July 20, 1812, No. 61 (242 florins, Nieuwenhuys). 1 1 8. A Lady and a Gentleman playing Cards. A lady in a red jacket trimmed with fur sits at a table, playing cards with a well- dressed gentleman. Panel, 13^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. V. van der Vinne and Van Oukerke, Haarlem, March n, 1816, No. 5. 119. A Card-Party. A young lady plays cards at a table with a gentleman. A cavalier standing behind her tells her what card to play. [Cf. 112.] Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sales. J. D. Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 276 (285 florins). A. de Lange, Amsterdam, December 12, 1803, No. 95 (225 florins). B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 134 (505 florins, Hulswit). 120. A Lady and a Gentleman playing Cards. A gentleman plays cards with a lady seated opposite him. On the table are a dish of fruit and a goblet. At the side is an armchair, on which lies a lute. Panel, 17 inches by 19 inches. Sales. H. Croese, Amsterdam, May 27, 1818, No. 7 (200 florins, Mol). A. Meynts, Amsterdam, July 15, 1823, No. 127 (95 florins, De Boer). S. M. de Boer, Amsterdam, April 15, 1840, No. 67 (114 florins, Weymar). i20a. A Card-Party. A replica (or copy ?) of 119. Panel, 25! inches by 2i| inches. Sales. De Beehr and Van Leeuwen, Amsterdam, November 14, 1825, No. 98 (500 florins, De Vries). Amsterdam, October 18, 1849, No. 208. 121. INTERIOR WITH SOLDIERS PLAYING CARDS. An early work. Probably identical with 40. Sale. Earl of Clancarty, London, March 12, 1892, No. 90 (30 : IDS.). 1 21 a. Two Men fighting. Salf. Jacob Cromhout and others, Amsterdam, May 7, 1709, No. 146. 122. Soldiers fighting. In a homely room a soldier on his knees has his left hand on the throat of another man lying on the ground and