Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/71

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xvii GERARD TER BORCH 55 146. The Music -Lesson. A lady in white satin with a yellow jacket trimmed with fur sits at a table, playing the lute. On the table is a music-book. Beside her is the master, who seems to be giving her a lesson. [Possibly identical with 130 (Chicago) and 143.] Canvas, 24^ inches by ig| inches. Sale. Rotterdam, August 3, 1811, No. 48 (195 florins, Gleym). 146*7. A Lady at Music. A richly dressed lady at music, with accessories. Sale. Amsterdam, April 14, 1813, No. 6 (7 florins) presumably a copy, to judge from the low price. 147. The Music-Lesson. A lady in a light brown velvet jacket trimmed with ribbons and a white satin skirt sits at a table with a blue velvet cover, on which lies an open music -book. She plays the lute. Beside her stands her master, holding a violin-bow. At the side a dog lies asleep on a blue velvet chair. One of Ter Borch's best works. Canvas, 24^ inches by 19 inches. Sales. J. P. Wierman, Amsterdam, August 18, 1762, No. 34 (230 florins). J. J. Brants, Amsterdam, April 20, 1813, No. 38 (275 florins, De Vries). 148. A Lady singing. Sm. 42. In an interior a young lady is singing. A cavalier and a lady listen to the song. Sale. De la Hante, London, 1814, No. 42 (189). 149. A Lady at Music. A lady, seated in front of a harpsichord, plays the lute. A dog lies on a chair beside her. Canvas, 9! inches by 7 inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 135 (75 florins, La Coste). 150. A Couple at Music. In a handsome room a lady in a rich Spanish costume of velvet and silk sits on an antique chair at a table, singing. She holds out a piece of cake to a greyhound, to make it dance. A gentleman accompanies her on the lute. A good and piquant composi- tion, the value of which is enhanced by the beauty of the colour and the accurate drawing. Canvas, 14 inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 136 (113 florins, Ocke). i5o<7. A Music-Party. Sale. Amsterdam, July 16, 1819, No. 232 (300 florins, Brondgeest). 150^. A Music- Party. Sale. Amsterdam, November 16, 1819, No. 79 (154 florins, Vinkeles). 151. A Music-Party. -A girl in black sits at a harpsichord. In front beside her is a man playing the 'cello. Farther back another man is playing the violin. A man-servant brings wood and turf into the room. The whole is carefully executed in a manner worthy of the master.