Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/82

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66 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. S^.Pieter van Buytene, Delft, October 29, 1748 (Hoet, ii. 226), No. 20 (90 florins). 176*. Interior with a Lady, to whom a Messenger has brought a Letter. Many accessories. Satt.Seb. Heemskerk, Amsterdam, March 31, 1749 (125 florins). i-jbf. A Lady handing a Letter to a Maid-Servant. Sa/f.C. Troost, S. Arensklauw, and others, Amsterdam, March 16, 1750, No. 14. ij6g. A Lady reading, and a Man -Servant. A lady sits at a table, reading. A man-servant brings her a large dish. 1 8 inches by 14! inches. Sale. Wannaar and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1757, No. 20. 177. A Gentleman reading a Letter, and a Lady. A gentle- man sits at a table, holding a letter in his left hand, while his right rests on his knee. Opposite the gentleman stands a lady wearing a black cloak over a white satin gown. Canvas, 40^ inches by 38 J inches. Sale. Tolling, Amsterdam, November 21, 1768 (Terw. 686), No. 7 but No. 2 of the original catalogue (15 florins, Quinkhard). 177*. A Lady writing a Letter in a Room. Sale. J. M. Cok, Amsterdam, December 16, 1771, No. 180 (i florin) presumably a copy, to judge from the price. 178. A Lady holding a Letter. Sm. 12. A lady, in a white satin gown embroidered in gold, a black silk kerchief and a light cap, sits at a table, drinking a glass of wine and holding a letter in her right hand. On the table, which is partly covered with a Turkey carpet, are a china jug and a silver candlestick. In the background is the chimney-piece, almost hidden by a screen. [Pendant to 81. Compare 85.] Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches [the dimensions of the pendant in the Choiseul sale]. A replica panel, 14^ inches by 13 inches described by Sm. (Suppl. 7) as " of unquestionable originality and also of fine quality," was in the collection of Count Koucheleff Besborodko, St. Petersburg, 1842 ; a pendant to the copy mentioned under 79. Engraved by Chevillet as " La Sante Porte"e." Sales. Seb. Heemskerk, Amsterdam, March 31, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 233), No. 3 (311 florins). Choiseul, Paris, April 6, 1772, No. 27 (3101 francs, with pendant). 179. A Lady reading, a Messenger, and a Maid-Servant. A lady in white satin sits at a table, reading a letter brought her by a messenger, who awaits the reply. On the table are a silver dish, a beer-jug, a silver candlestick, and a silver bowl. Behind the table a maid-servant is making the bed. Apparently the same composition as 175 (Schloss).