Page:Hokitika NZ Evans 1921.pdf/3

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(From Hokitika “Guardian,” Wednesday, August 24th., 1921).

At the meeting of the Hokitika Beautifying Association last night what proved to be a very interesting paper on the birth of the borough of Hokitika, and the nomenclature of its streets, was read by Mr Evans. The information conveyed gave something more than a fleeting glimpse of life in Hokitika more than half a century ago. It is good to revive memories of the past, and it is well to have the links with the past strengthened, from time to time with reminders of the history of those other days. The foundation and career of Hokitika has been of the romantic order, and the suggestion that a complete history of the early times should be prepared is one which the authorities should follow up. The band of early pioneers is passing away, and we are losing touch with the old atmosphere of those former days. It would be well to act betimes in chronicling as completely as possible the story of the stirring times which brought thousands to our town, and which witnessed the carving of a town out of the dense forest. Work went forward swiftly in those times. A very few months served to see Hokitika established. In the first year of its municipal life the street expenditure alone was set down at £23,382, while the income from rates was shown to be only £8,000. The pioneers who found a way through the difficulties and dangers of the mountain passes and the rivers and streams to the new El Dorado, were evidently confident of overcoming such small matters as finance to make streets. The road to Christchurch for instance, was made in a remarkably brief span of time, and the initial cost for that great work, as it must have been in those early days was given at only £150,000. Yes, there were giants in those far off days in every walk of life, and it would appear we never fully realise nor appreciate what we owe to the sterling men who in those times solved great difficulties for us who came after, in laying the foundations of civic life here. It certainly was a happy idea to name the streets of the town after the names of the prominent men of the period. This is indeed a lively means of connection with the past, and the references in the paper read at the Town Hall last night in the interesting account of the personality of the men of the past who in an official way were so directly associated with the fortunes of the town, proved quite engrossing. Especially is this so in regard to Mr Sale and the late Mr Revell, and it is a happy suggestion that their memories should be perpetuated in some way by a local memorial. The founders of the corporation well deserved to have their memories perpetuated. In the circumstances of those past times their lot and task here must have been difficult and arduous. Isolated as Hoki-