Page:Homer - Iliad, translation Pope, 1909.djvu/240

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But Neptune, rising from the seas profound,
The god whose earthquakes rock the solid ground,
Now wears a mortal form, like Calchas seen;
Such his loud voice, and such his manly mien;
His shouts incessant every Greek inspire,
But most the Ajaces, adding fire to fire:
"'Tis yours, O warriors, all our hopes to raise;
Oh recollect your ancient worth and praise!
'Tis yours to save us, if you cease to fear;
Flight, more than shameful, is destructive here.
On other works though Troy with fury fall,
And pour her armies o'er our battered wall;
There, Greece has strength: but this, this part o'erthrown,
Her strength were vain; I dread for you alone.
Here Hector rages like the force of fire,
Vaunts of his gods, and calls high Jove his sire.
Yet if some heavenly Power your breast excite,
Breathe in your hearts and string your arms to fight,
Greece yet may live, her threatened fleet maintain,
And Hector's force, and Jove's own aid, be vain."
Then with his sceptre that the deep controls,
He touched the chiefs, and steeled their manly souls:
Strength, not their own, the touch divine imparts,
Prompts their light limbs, and swells their daring hearts.
Then, as a falcon from the rocky height,
Her quarry seen, impetuous at the sight,
Forth-springing instant, darts herself from high,
Shoots on the wing, and skims along the sky:
Such, and so swift, the Power of ocean flew;
The wide horizon shut him from their view.
The inspiring gods Oïleus' active son
Perceived the first, and thus to Telamon:
"Some god, my friend, some god in human form,
Favouring descends, and wills to stand the storm;
Not Calchas this, the venerable seer;
Short as he turned, I saw the Power appear:
I marked his parting, and the steps he trod;
His own bright evidence reveals a god.
E'en now some energy divine I share,
And seem to walk on wings, and tread in air!"
"With equal ardour," Telamon returns,
"My soul is kindled, and my bosom burns;
New rising spirits all my force alarm,
Lift each impatient limb, and brace my arm.
This ready arm, unthinking, shakes the dart;
The blood pours back, and fortifies my heart;
Singly, methinks, yon towering chief I meet,
And stretch the dreadful Hector at my feet."

Full of the god that urged their burning breast,