Page:Homo-sexual Life by William John Fielding (1925).pdf/50

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On the other hand, the acute dissociation of the personality, in both sexes, may become chronic and run a protracted course, varying from several weeks to many years. Final recovery may ensue, or (1) the condition may become permanent without further deterioration, or (2) the condition may pursue a course of progressive deterioration depending upon the negative nature of the transference and adjustment to the erotic pressure.

A frequent accompaniment is the development of a vigorous, persistent counter-attack of hatred, which becomes directed against the social conventions. Its animus is aimed particularly against those to whom social obligations bind the subject (as parents, mate, offspring, employer, etc.) because they are repressing influences. The climax of this is a loss of social adaptation.

Kempf believes that the tendency to homosexuality in males has a dual determination. Not only are homosexual associations attractive, but there is an insurmountable affective (fear) resistance to heterosexual potency which becomes aroused by the amorous approach of the female. Through some affective mechanism, she, like the "serpent-headed Meduza, freezes his soul. Her sexuality horrifies instead of fascinates."

Anxiety and depression may develop quickly after a heterosexual failure in this type of male. Such reactions may be characterized by suicidal impulses due apparently to an irresistible regression to the mother. The subject feels that she cannot give him up, and he, being helpless to free himself, in order to become de-