Page:Homo-sexual Life by William John Fielding (1925).pdf/58

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in gait and manners, something of a chatter-box, with a tendency to be skilful with the needle and in woman's work, sometimes taking pleasure in dressing in women's clothes.

In the case of the female, we note the opposite characteristics. Her mind is more logical, scientific and precise than usual with the normal woman. So marked are these general characteristics, observes Carpenter, that sometimes by means of them (thought not an infallible guide) the nature of the boy or girl can be detected in childhood, before full development has taken place. The importance of being able to do this is readily apparent, if an understanding and sympathetic attitude is brought to bear on the matter.

As Dr. Moll, the well known German authority, has pointed out, the extreme characteristics do not by any means show themselves in all urnings. Though one may find this or that indication in a great many cases, yet it cannot be denied that a very large percentage of the males, perhaps by far the majority of them, do not exhibit pronounced effeminacy.

Considering the more "normal" type of Uranian male, it is not unusual to find a man who, while possessing thoroughly masculine powers of mind and physique, combines with them the more emotional soul nature of the woman. Sometimes this is present in a notable degree.

Such men are often muscular and well built and not noticeably different in external structure and bodily carriage from others of their own sex. Emotionally, however, they are ex-