Page:Honore Willsie--Judith of the godless valley.djvu/140

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Scott, tell me all is straight between you and me. Judith made up, long ago."

"That's a whopper!" exclaimed Judith. "I'll never forgive you as long as I live! I'm just sticking round for Mother's sake. My mother that once could ride an unbroken mule. When I think of that—" She paused as Peter laid a hand on her arm.

"It's not a matter of making up," said Douglas. "It wasn't a thing you could make up. It was just one more fact to knock a fellow's faith in life's being a straight deal."

John did not answer for a moment, but something very like a blush rolled over his tanned face, For the first time in his life, perhaps, he felt that he had done something shameful. But he made no admission.

"You'll come home and let us nurse you, Doug?" he asked when the blush had gone.

"I guess I'd better stay with Peter. I never want to come home while Judith believes I squealed to Charleton."

"Jude doesn't believe anything of the kind. She's just a flighty, fool girl."

"Thanks, dear Father!" sniffed Judith.

John did not glance at the girl. He was watching Douglas eagerly. "I thought it was me that kept you away from home. I can make Jude apologize as soon as I get Scott back here. If I clear that up, then will you come home, old boy?"

"Yes, I guess so. But that won't keep me from settling with Scott for to-night."

"Sure! But you get well, Dougie!" John turned from the bed with the look of sullenness wiped as by magic from his face.

Douglas stared at Judith. His mind was confused