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shall not Mark of suffer to be Marked with his Consent, any Casks or Packages of Pot or Pearl Ash in the Manner aforesaid, except such as shall be made, upon the Principles contained in the said Specification; and that the said 12em shall fix and maintain upon some conspicuous and proper part of the Building, to be by him erected or used for the Purpose of making Pot and Pearl Ashes, or either, upon the Principles and according to the Method aforesaid, a Board whereupon shall be painted in large and legible Characters, the Number of this Licence and the Words following, to wit. Pot and Pearl Ash Works licenced by Samuel Hopkins.

In Witness whereof to these Presents the said Samuel Hopkins (by his said Attorney) hath set his Hand and Seal, the Seventy Third — Day of the fifth month in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nintey One—at the City of New York

Signed Sealed and delivers in Presence of us }